
I used to be a soccer fun, a real fun. I ran away from class just to watch an important soccer match when I was in senior high school. And I became a member of Shenyang Football Funs Association when I was an university undergraduate. I was a ticket seller and a member of our university football team. You know, I played really well!
My father was not s soccer fun, but I made him become one of them. And now he hates the China team more than I do. Actually I felt sorry for him at the first, then I realized there was nothing I could do to change my father's mind. he was so deep inside the shits that even he himself didn't know that.
daddy woke up at mid night just to enjoy an Eourpean soccer mactch, while I woke up to see our national team was beated up! All the Chinese soccer matches were a mess, none of which was enjoyable to me!
We did(not we do) have good soccer players in China. it's just the matter of the selcetion system. I was told a father would at least pay somebody in Charge RMb200,000 to get his son into the pre-soccer team; and then he needs to pay even more to let his son show up in the match field. What a poor father, cause he never knows when his son will be a real player, nor he knows how much would satisfy an officer in CFA(China Football Association).
it's a totally failure year for CPA. Simens has quit,everbody else is quiting. They will have no capital to run a football league in year 2005. As a soccer fun, I don;t wanna see this happen. However, whatever it should happen happens. it's the way that the CPA chose to go, and I see no destination for them. They are doomed to be losers!
So I am no more a soccer fun, not any more! I hate China soccer, and I hate the CPA. What about your guys?
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