
As an ordinary Chinese citizen, I can hardly understand something our central government did.I just feel our government is weak and coward on diplomatically affairs. She's not behaving as a real strong and developed country at all!

It's been a long time that the Japanese wants to take over the Fishing Island of China. Recently, the Japanese government purposely allowed the Right Wing members to land on the island and start building some kinds of symbols. Except for saying some thing like: We protest, we're against.., our government did nothing, not even when the Fishing-island-protection people were going there to "protect" our land. The Japanese navy warships bumped their boat until they sank. Fortunately, no one died in that "incident". But I wonder where the hell our navy warships were? Some countries like the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia, accidentally or purposely detained our fishermen, who were doing fishing within our country's territory. Our government could only make some official approach to get her people back home. When the case is literally over, in fact, it is over. There are still no or not enough Chinese navy warships patrolling around to protect the Chinese fishermen. And those back-stabbing bastard countries would not even apologize to us!

Let's see what the Korean government did against the Japanese. The entire country was raged when the Japanese government announced that they have the sovereignty on the Isolate Island. They were so mad and raged that they even burned themselves and cut their fingers to show their protestations to the Japanese. The Korean government took actions immediately. First, the government chased an ambassador of Japan out of Korean; second, the government has announced to cease all the economic approaches between the two countries; third, it announced to consider increasing missiles to enforce the police force on the island. The Koreans are strong, united and tough, so the Japanese government was panic. Now the Japanese is busy seeking all possible ways to solve this big trouble arose by themselves. They are really scared!

The Koreans make us feel ashamed, because compared with them, our government is so weak! The central government could only say something like: We protest, we're against.... China has been protesting the Japanese senior officers from visiting the 靖国神社( I don't know how to spell this shit) for years, but none of the efforts is effective. The god damned Japanese never stop visiting the damned tomb! So what? What can our central government do against it? It's like the government slams in his own face every year. Kind of funny, though!

Sometimes I wonder could it because that we are afraid of losing our wealth when the country is becoming richer and richer. Now the government is focus on economic development, yet it made China the country which contains the biggest population of corruptors. The government is constructing marketing economy, yet it made tens of millions of workers lost their jobs and getting no social welfares. We gained the second place of the Olympic game, yet we are not able to choose 13 soccer players from among 1.3 billion people. And no matter how and what the central government changes the social system of China, the developed countries still take China as the assumed enemy.

I really miss the time when Chairman Mao lives, because we had the guts to fight against our enemies, no matter how poor and physically weak we were!