
After ending a busy day's work, in the atmosphere of this city,it seems that I have nothing to do but opening my pc ,
expecting something happen.The screen is full of greetings
and blessing from my friends,which give me a little pleasure
and warmness.Every day I get up,go to work,go home and go to sleep,always do the same things just like a pendulum clock
clicking and clicking all day long. Sometimes I open my
computer,watch those boring soap operas,or say hello to my
net friends in order to fulfil my thoughts. Once I stop doing
so , it seems that I really don't know what to do.
But there are some nights.I'll turn off the night,let myself
sit or lie free no matter what pose it is ,whether the pose is
a concinnity one or not, listening to the wonderful tune.Just
like a tired traveller, travelling among the unoccupied melody.
At this time I am a adorable dreamful woman.
Maybe I have such nights when I stay there noly with one
lonely light,facing the bright round moon,holding a poetry,then imagine I have been turned into a fairy in the paradise.In this
way I can build my character.And this time I am a woman full of intelligence.
During some nights I am fed up with this table life unexpectedly.
I'll lose myself in other person's stories and may have the same feeling(sorrow,happiness,pain,numbness) along with the hero/heroine.
All my feelings are just for the one in my heart.This time I am a moonstruck woman.
Sometimes I want to relax myself.Then I may invite a few friends of mine to have big pieces of meat,big bowl of wine(ususally drinks or beer)in a chaffy-dish shop. Our manner of a gentlewoman and other people's sights are far beyond careing.My heart is full of pride and happiness.I won't go back until we sing and dance with much sweat in the disco hall.I should say I am an exoteric woman full of fire.
Some friends ask me what type of woman I belong to .I answer with a smile. Why must I lay myself in a certain place? I do everything as I like. Give some nights to myself.Thus my soul is entirely
washed. This is me. A real woman! So natural!!!

( By the way,this is my first time to write something here. As my
English is so limited, hope you can point out my mistakes.Thanks for reading .*_* *_*)
  • pendulum [´pendjuləm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(钟)摆;摇摆的人 六级词汇
  • unoccupied [ʌn´ɔkjupaid] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.空闲的,没人住的 六级词汇
  • gentlewoman [´dʒentl,wumən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.贵族;淑女 六级词汇