
I've been busy like hell for the last two weeks. Being a government officer, especially the one who cares about foreign trade stuff, I have to fulfill my duties.

One month ago, I was informed that a Japanese- week ceremony was about to take place. The people's Government of Shenyang decided to invite some non-profit Japanese economic organizations and big Multinational Japanese companies to Shenyang, for kind of investigations and investments. 200 over companies were in the list the government provided to the news release center.
Because of the intensiverelationship between China and Japan, the government decided not to make this event a big and shining one. They've cut off most of the cultural exchanging activities, such as Japanese Foods Show, Tea Arts Show...etc. They've even killed the idea of hanging Japanese flags between along the streets in the city. The government was even afraid that the local people would not be happy or feel even worse when they see the flags.

We discussed on as more detailed things as possible, in case the first big cooperative meeting between Shenyang and Japanese government would go in an unexpected way. On May 24th, the curtain of the big event opened slowly. 250 Japanese people from all kinds of companies came to Shenyang to attend the meeting. It was called: The 2005 Shenyang and Japan Economic Exchanging Activities. About 230 Chinese government officers and owners of some local enterprises attended the meeting as well.

I was in charge of arranging all the dinners for them. It was a very complicated job, because I needed to make all the name labels of the guests in a perfect order. Both the Japanese and Chinese high-rank officers should sit at the main table, while the others should follow the arranged order. I kept working hard on these shits until after mid-night for four days! The thing I hated most was that those god damned officers always changed their minds on the last second! For example: it took me 3 hours to make all the labels in an nice order, then someone who has a higher rank told me to re-do it, cause he didn't think the order was good enough. Ok, then I did it again, and he asked me to do it again! Damn! I did it for many times until the fellow was satisfied. But one day later, he asked me to use the original copy! "What the F***!" said it to myself. All my efforts were in vain.

Ignoring all the bad memories, I finally stood in the hall of the big show, enjoying the warm atmosphere alone. Everything was done perfectly, and the mayors were satisfied. Oops, I don't wanna mention about most of the details, cause I think it will be a great insult to the Shenyang government. Their working efficiency is far from being good, yet they are running the whole economy of the city. I just wish they could do better, for the sake of the communist party!