
After spending many years of variety lives of being a product specialist in Singapore, an account manager in FUji Xerox, Director of the admission office of a famous private school, I turned myself into a government officer. I don't see my career destination, though.
I started learning English when I was on grade one of junior high shcool, same as most of the Chinese students. I recited words, grammers and whatever related to English ever since then. And now, I'm still learning it. There's a saying that we all know since we were students: Live and Learn. When I was a kid, I asked my father this question: if we're all gonna die in the future, what are we learning all those knowledge for? To be frank, I forget what and how my father answered my question, but I do remember that he did inspire me, by his own way.
I know most of our English learners have fears. They fear to lose face in front of the others, they fear that people would laugh at them if they speak out, and they fear the foreigners would lose patience on them because they speak too slowly. They have too many fears to make themselves on the right way of learning English.
unfortunately, the less you talk, the lilttle you would learn in english. English is only a language, and we know we use language to talk, to express ourselves, to communicate with other humanbeings. Further more, we use language to write, to take down the important things happened in our histories. So, speaking a language is our priority in Learning.
In business, We talk with foreigners in English(or Chinese sometimes), we sign the contracts in English or in bilingual. But before we sign the contract, lots of communication are needed badly to form a deal.
Therefore, If you fear all the face things in learning English, you would be useless or have no advantages on work, provided your work is related to English or any kind of foreign langauges.
Get rid of your fears, brace yourself, be somebody!