
My Hometown

I live in Li Yang city. My parents live in my old hometown. My old town stands in the south-west part of Li Yang city.

It's a small village with about sixty houses. There is a river beside it. There is the best farmland and there is a fishing pool in front of the village.

There was a school in the east of the village when I was a child. In summer, many people used to spend their spare time on the school playground after dinner. Ladies had short talks together, while men having tea. Children ran from place to place. Maybe, we could listen to a story when the adult was happy. Sometime we could see a movie on the playground. Now, it's quite there. People like to stay at home when they finished the farm work. They have short talks by telephone. Sometimes, young people visit the city by motorcycle.

Most people live in the two-floor buildings. Our house is a three-floor building with six rooms. There is a nice small garden beside our house. My father grow flowers in the garden every morning. There is another big garden in front of our house. My father plants some fruit trees and vegetables there.

In my old hometown, the mother stay at home and so some farm work in the fields. At the same time, they take care of their children. Many fathers work far from their home. The cost of living depends on their salary. There was no broken family.

It is my hometown. Would you like to go with me at the weekend.
  • fishing [´fiʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.钓鱼;捕鱼;渔业 四级词汇