
I had a dream last night,and dreamed there was raining outside.I got up early in the morning,discovered the trace that rain left surprisingly.The reality is the same as my dream!

Since I came to Qinhuangdao last year,I had seen the rain only teo times.Naturally,the trace of the rain reminded me of the beautiful time in the rain in my hometown.

yeah,Hunan province is a province that always floods .But that couldn't cut down the smilling of the children!

I like the raining day,every time rains,we kids were always around together smilling ,walking or running in the rain with light foot .No matter how wet our clothes were,we did not care.We were all addicted into the scene .

When you didn't want to go out ,you also could stand in the balcony,and close your eyes quitely,you would enjoy the feeling you may have never had!

You can hear and enjoy the rhythm of the rain striking on the glasses !

How beautiful the picture is!And how romantic walking hands in hands or running shoulder to shoulder in the rain!

How I wanna to return to the time that I spent in the past time!

But all the things cann't turn back! the heart and the thoughts became diffence !

The thoughts is only empty!
  • rhythm [´riðəm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(诗的)韵律;格律 四级词汇