
My college wonderful story

I entered into ivory tower with disappointment and new hope in autumn,2000 year.it is not a good place where I desired to go in my dream.it seems that I just falled into a deep valley from high sky.meantime,it also seems that grasp one grope of saving my life.honestly,I am not willing to go into this castle.it filled with mysterious and fresh to me.maybe it will open a new page of my life.perhaps it means dying of ending" title="a.迫近的;悬而未决的">pending future.in a word,I have to wait the judge of fate.

Many strange faces,new flowing classroom and new wide library. all is fresh to me.and my old dream is not ending but another new dream have to begin.actually,I don't know how 's like for my university life.

The following is nervous military training for one month.each person who once entered this castle know this.it is a first class of university life.maybe every person will get out of childish nature and will have to face much new challenge.on the whole,military training is closely related to sweat and tears.eventually,the first day is ended.the whole body is limp and sour and numb.much complaints is weaving into a big net in the dorm.at this time,the drillmaster happened to come." attention!"the drill master said.immediately, the noise dorm became silent sound, each look get serious and nervous.then each began to bustle about tidying quilt and the whole dorm become noise again.I couldn't help to fling to stern drillmaster.his eys is cold enough to kill all thoughts of lazing.I dare not to see his eyes.since it can make my nerve more nervous.

The next day,the sun is hanging on the head and the weather is so hot".one-two-one.........."suddently,one person can't afford so heavy and stuned, the playground is becoming noise at once.several people lift him to clinic in the schoolyards.at this time,maybe we find that our body is so weak that can't afford any little storm.maybe after undergoing this time training,it is a good begining to grow up and become matured for us.maybe,it is precious experience for us in the life.believer that it will benefit us in a long time.even the whole life.

Eventually,long and tough military training was ended.the national day is coming yearly.most of students went to hometown.but I have to stay in the schoolyards since it is too far from school to our hometown.most of all,in order to save some money of journey.because I know that money in my pocket is little even nearly pity.and it is gotten from my parent's sweat and much hard tough..I have no any choice to treasure it. so I decided to stay in the schoolyards.although loneliness and homesick is full of deep heart.at that time,I begin to know that man was so fragile sometimes.

After National day.we began to go to classroom soon.dorm ?classroom-library.this is our daily life in the university.gradually,I became a little bored about such regular lifestyle.I feel it is like a pool of dead water

and no any beautiful waves.all the fresh is nearly lost in such short time.even become to hate it.and feel the life of university is so lacking of romance,so boring and so flat.

It happened to me with unavoidable.I was hurted badly on the playground.I am afraid that I can't forget it for ever since it leave a deep scar to not only body but also heart.I falled and stuned,all is blank in my mind suddenly.and was aching extremely .I was taken to hospital nearby soon.it is on the verge of final-term exam,and each student has to put himself into study.it is a normal custom in almost university.our class came to visit me,shortly,I couldn't help to tearing down from my face.immediately,I feel that I was wraped by great warmth.I feel blood boiling in my body although fierce wind was blowing out of window.more worse was that I have to concentrate myself on nervous study with huge pain since final exam was coming soon.so I was anxious about coming exam since many courses are strange to me.but to my surprise,our monitor came to me when I am worrying about this.he illustrated every details to me with great patience.and use much examples on enlightening me.I come back to confidence with his great help soon.

ultimately,horrible final exam is ended.my tight nerve get relaxed again.but my heart is still hanging on the air.after a long time wait,the result came out,all the subjects passed finally.,my tears rush out at the news.and the great happiness filled with my deep heart.I feel I am the best person in the world.in retrospect,that is only a big nightmare and unforgettable in my life.from that on,I have a deep horror about basketball till now.

It took me much money in hospital.so I have a fierce desire that I must earn money to offset lost.I begin to sell some daily commodity in spare time in the schoolyards.my main customers are those freshman.they are always willing to buy some commodity from me.so I became a peddler in the schoolyards when I am sophomore.at the begging,I am very shy when I have to face much bizarre eyes.even a little scared as facing so many strange expression.but after a few days,seemed that I am coustomed to the lifestyle .and benefit me from that.because it make me afford some heavy of my family.and I feel strength of my power firstly.even I am a little proud of this later when reminisced it.

The summer holiday is coming again yearly.I was enrolled as a promotion man by a famous local fast food company.it is not easy to get this temporary job at that time since there are too many students want to get the same job.so you can imagine that how fierce the competition was!I do was a luck one in other eyes.even many people admired me. He was thought a capable man who enlisted by them.so I went into a new life with a little proud with other several students.the next is huge tough even exceed to my expect.,.at six o'clock im the morning,we set up to ride an old bike every day through nearly each street in the city.and wear red cap and T-shirt which printed advertising slogan of fast food.there are all kinds of strange eyes stared at us when we go through a street.smiling,astonishing and cool etc put on us.the glittering sun hanging on our head.much sweat is down from face .my feeling is complex .went back to school till ten o'clock at night.the whole body is limp,each fall asleep soon since we are so tired.then,.I know deeply that earning money isn't so easy and tasted real tough first time

The long long summer holiday is over,we returned bright classroom again.how comfort seated in the classroom now compare to previous boring study.to my surprised,my weight lost 15 pound as if happened one night.indeed,we all become more matured and harvest much due to the summer holiday practise activity.

I don't know if I fall in love with a girl.my inside get very uncombed for a long time somehow.I can't concentrate on books.I don't know why.I know only that I admire those paired.I don't know if I always think well of her,in another words,I love her secretly when I encount her at first in the library.I remember that I am a little nervous when our eyes conflicts.I am scared of staring at her but can't help to seeing her.her gentle temperament and graceful appearance is a attracting to me.she is like a blast spring fliting me and bring some fresh air.she just sit in front of me but I have to act seriously in study.and dare not to see one more eyes.thus,my heart was always struggling hard.but she is always only smiling to me and no more expression when I slip to her every time.she is going out of library.suddenly,I also dart out of library without hesitate.up to now,I don't know what make me with such great encouragement.I catch up with her and try to talk to her.smiling is still on her enchanting face.but seems that it is a little austonished to her.maybe it is very abrupt to her even all at a loss .but just from that day,our love story come to a inaugurate .

But things is not going well as I expected.I dated her in the park with moon rays at night.I want to show my love to her on that beautiful night.but I can't speak it out with hesitate.my heart is struggling for a long time.we are both silent.seems that we can hear the tight breath each other.she lower her head,looks very shy.explosion or dying in silent as Chinese proverb said.finally,I encourage myself to express real love to her after a long time silence.silence is coming again after that.she can't be asleep when go to dorm that night.she told me later.in fact,me too.

From that day,we have a engaement per day.exactly,we both fall in love river.and come to a romantic story.the leading actor is our both.library-classroom---park-dinning room---even playground,nearly every place become our romantic place.and leave us much beautiful remembers we have supper together in the dinning,study together in the library. seems that we lost our souls if no seeing each other. Even guess that we are a perfect pair in the world.how happy we are!

Espercially,it is worth mention that I passed CET-certificate band six test with her great encouragement.I am appreciated her about this till now.I never know its importance previous till after graduation.and to my glad,I was award a yearly-prize.I know tha it is owning to her help.we celebrate together at the good news.it is not forgettable up to now.

I never considered that aparting is near to us till she leave for south of china.she is higher grade one than me,she will graduate soon then go to a far away.perhaps,it is fate's decision.absolutely,it means a fateful shock to me.but we have to face so painfulparting.up to now,I can't forget the scene of seeing her off in the railway station.although we can't afford so heavy parting,it is nude fact on front of us now.I run a long journey with train's moving. It moves faster and faster.I wave to her with tears on the face.I taste of parting at that time for the first time.after arrived in Guangdong,she often writes a letter to me and tell me her happiness and sadness without me these days.I was often moved to tears at her story.

At last,we entered into sacred wedding half an year later.it seems a fresh things to others since we haven't been cut relationship with our university.as we all known,our government has such a attitude of allowing but no advocate.but we think that it is destiny arrangement. So it is a certain to us.the fact testify this point later.

Anyway,we have to go out of this castle.although I once am not willing to enter it and just like unwilling leave here now.the fact doesn't go as someone expected.it is time to graduate for me.and I have to say goodbye to this castle.after graduation,I went to south for her,exactly,for real love between us.

Now,we have a lovely baby.it is a result of real love.we both have a job in south of china.and living a peace and happy life.our dream is going ahead.we are pursuiting with effort in our common dream.

Hope our wonderful dream come truth in earlier day.the day is coming soon,I pray this silently in my soul sincerely.and believe firmly.


  • pending [´pendiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迫近的;悬而未决的 六级词汇
  • gotten [´gɔtn] 移动到这儿单词发声 get的过去分词 四级词汇
  • homesick [´həum,sik] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.思乡的 六级词汇
  • fragile [´frædʒail] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.易碎的;虚弱的 四级词汇
  • lacking [´lækiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.缺少的,没有的 六级词汇
  • nightmare [´naitmeə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.梦魇;恶梦 四级词汇
  • offset [´ɔ:fset] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&vt.抵销;补偿 六级词汇
  • slogan [´sləugən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.标语;口号 六级词汇
  • inaugurate [i´nɔ:gjureit] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.举行就职典礼;开始 六级词汇
  • proverb [´prɔvə:b] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.谚语;格言 四级词汇
  • parting [´pɑ:tiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.&n.分离(的) 四级词汇
  • unwilling [ʌn´wiliŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不愿意的;不情愿的 四级词汇