
When I read the novel rich dad and poor dad, I always think many children have the same the idea, of course, including me.

my father was a teacher, when I was a student, the words that I heard most was," you should study hard, have a great grades, go to a good university, and you will have a good future." I think most parents have the same idea as my father according to the sayings" knowledge can change your life." How can we change our life? The answer is to study hard, I graduated from the university in 2002, and I had a high-paid job envied by many people in No.7 Company of China National petroleum cooperation, a state-owned company at the same year, in my parents eyes, I am lucky, and I will have a good future, I hope so.

I do not doubt the correction of the saying-knowledge can change life, but I know the path to success is not only one, just the mention as the writer son, many methods to success, just like Michael Jondan, Bill Gates, they are different successor in the different fields, times is different, but I think, you want to make a progress, you should do many things, but the most important thing is to persevere. Do you think so?
  • petroleum [pi´trəuliəm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.石油 四级词汇
  • correction [kə´rekʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.改正,纠正,修改 四级词汇