
I haven't updated my bolg for a long time, because I caught a severe cold last week. Besides, you know I am in love with someone and I have to spend my spare time with him. Blushed.

The day I wrote my previous blog was a special day. On that day evening, he sent me message saying that he hoped I can delete that blog, because he felt too much pressures from it. I angrily replied that I definitely couldn't delete it, because that blog only recorded my normal life and I never add any lies to it. Then he answered directly that anyway, he liked me......He confessed that all my descriptions about him on my previous blog was totally accurate, and girl's intuitions seemed right.

We met that evening, and he expressed his love to me loudly again. Specifically, he emphasized that he hoped me to be his GF. He indeed talked a lot of things that evening, maybe I told him many times that face-to-face talking was much more efficient than other ways. We know each other more that day, and I found his attitude was good. When someone cares for you, and he would like to do a lot of things for you, even to express his ideas as possible as he can.

Recently, all my free time was nearly occupied by him, and I would love to stay together with him. We together do a lot of things, and both of us can find a great deal of fun. Sometimes, I waited for him outside the emergency room so that we can save some time to stay longer together. With more communications and contacts with him, I found he had a large number of advantages, and the feeling which I like to stay with him was stronger than before. I realized that I liked him.

I noticed one visitor called "Shiguangji" wrote a comment saying that I shouldn't mind whether a boy is lively or coy, if I love him from the bottom of my heart. I think it's right.
  • delete [di´li:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.删去,擦掉 六级词汇
  • totally [´təutəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.统统,完全 四级词汇