
What Constitutes Marriage

--A View of "Pride and Prejudice"

After reading a bachelor, particularly affluent success, we would like to get married and have children, this is a universally acknowledged truth. ○1Beginning with this sentence, it can not but make us have a thought that this is a novel with a happy outcome. However, as we university students, apart from the inclusion of "Pride and Prejudice" as a very good novel for entertainment, are we to think about some of the other issues in some other different perspectives in order to widen our field of vision, for instance, marriage? Perhaps when we have just entered the university hall, we do not have the sense that we have to take this issue seriously. As we are just free from the cruel trap, and stepping into our university, a paradise full of excitements, even if we have no deep thoughts about this issue temporarily, it is acceptable in my eyes. Nevertheless, after all, we grow up with the passage of time. We have to face the serious topic of marriage, and spare some more time to seriously ponder this issue for ourselves.

Maybe we university students have begun to consider the issue about marriage subconsciously. Do you disagree with me on this point? Undoubtedly, the majority of university students in the campus have started hunting for the other half of his life, what's more, courting among university students in the campus is a no more common phenomenon. More students have such an idea that their personal affairs should have been solved before graduating. Sauntering along the small campus path, we may discover many pairs of lovers who move close to each other and appear extremely happy. When we see drifting clouds float across their faces by accident, I do not think any students are not indifferent. Perhaps many students would only envy them and smile a meaningless smile, but I think more of them will make up their minds to carry out their plans. However, as we university students, we really understand the real meaning of marriage? Can we actually distinguish between marriage and love? If we really understand their distinctions, why would many university students complain that the rate of successful love in universities is only 3% (here successful love refers to the love which could last until a pair of lovers step into marriage halls)? After all, marriage and love is totally different, and for the majority of people, they are two essential stages in their lives to go through. No matter how sweet the love is, once two get married, the feeling of love when they court will not necessarily exist. I personally think that love is water which is transparent, pure, while marriage is mud, which is uncertain of its shape. Only when we correctly and appropriately handle the relationship between water and mud can the mud shape the most suitable shape for us. Therefore, we university students are compelled to reflect on what are to constitute marriage.

Elizabeth has always been a positive character in the novel to write, she is wise, lively, and can always observe what seen to be good at other people's efforts. Her views often appear in the novel and the author expresses her views and intentions just through her. But superficially it seems that she is a loyal follower of love who will persist all the time until she eventually achieves her love. But I think it not difficult to discover that Elizabeth or the author herself may have sex marriages which make them hard to escape the vicious circle of money. Firstly, the author makes Darcy a noble and handsome character when she arranges the roles. However the most important thing is that no matter what circumstances Elizabeth is in and how the relationship between Darcy and her develops, it is the fact that he is a gentleman with an annual salary of 10,000 pounds, meanwhile he has close ties to the Royal and has his own manor and family, land. In a nutshell, Darcy is very rich. Therefore, Elizabeth Collins has refused to marry him for a very simple reason -- there are some better and more wealthy ones behind. Meanwhile, the turning point when Elizabeth changes her attitude towards Darcy is just after she sees Darcy in a huge manor. Inevitably, becoming Bo Lane mistress one day is a big temptation. As Elizabeth says, she is the daughter of gentleman, Darcy is a gentleman, they are in the same class. As a matter of fact, the class gap between them is not very wide. What's more, Elizabeth ought to be considered a half-pretty girl, for she is from a squires family .So small merger of the assets is inevitable. The marriage between Darcy and her is not well accepted by Darcy's relatives and friends is just because Darcy is supposed to find a wife much more better than Elizabeth.

This is a tragedy, I think. If marriage is just the superposition of assets and assets, and only the rich can gain happiness from marriage, then why would love become an eternal theme of the past several thousand years? Will the marriage built on money, power and position really be happy? Although Elizabeth and Darcy live in harmony, the ironical remarks constantly from neighbors, relatives and friends make her nerve-wracking. Therefore, I believe that marriage should be based on love, and only the most faithful love can help marriage cast the strongest wall. Money, power, position can only polish it at the most. Do not get me wrong, I do not mean to exclude the combination between the rich. If one pair of lovers are both affluent, it is also not wrong. Next, I would like to quote Plato's story of love and marriage to elaborate my views:

Socrates was a great philosopher, he had many students. One day, one of his students Plato asked him, what is love. Socrates thought for a while and said to him: "Go to the front piece of wheat, get the most abundant wheat strain back to me, but there are conditions: you can only go through a wheat field, no backtracking. " So Plato did as what Socrates told him, but he came back with empty hands after a long time. Socrates asked him what he did, Plato said: "I entered a wheat field, then saw there were full of golden wheat everywhere, I tried to find the one which was the best, but I always believed that there would be better ones until I was through the wheat field, so I came back empty-handed." Socrates said:" This is love. "

I feel very glad that it is time for us university students to think about marriage. However, we have to consider it carefully, after all romantic love does not mean a happy marriage. But the most important thing is that we must realize what materials are in the most necessary need for marriage.
  • universally [,ju:ni´və:səli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.普遍地 四级词汇
  • outcome [´autkʌm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.结果;后果;成果 四级词汇
  • temporarily [´tempərərili] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.暂时地 四级词汇
  • acceptable [ək´septəbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.可接受的;合意的 四级词汇
  • disagree [,disə´gri:] 移动到这儿单词发声 vi.不同意 六级词汇
  • hunting [´hʌntiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.打猎 六级词汇
  • totally [´təutəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.统统,完全 四级词汇
  • eventually [i´ventʃuəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.最后,终于 四级词汇
  • vicious [´viʃəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不道德的;刻毒的 四级词汇
  • inevitably [in´evitəbli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.不可避免地;必然地 四级词汇
  • polish [´pəuliʃ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.波兰(人)的 n.波兰语 四级词汇
  • socrates [´sɔkrəti:z] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.苏格拉底 六级词汇