
I Want to Be a Beautiful Woman

--The Kind of Women I Want to Be

What kind of women I want to be? It is just a topic that has been rolling around in my head for a minute now. I always doubt what women's requests for beauty are and what beauty really means. To an extent, it is true that women run after beauty just in the hope of attracting men, especially the ones they love. As to me, I believe that the true quest for beauty must have something to do with our need to feel desirable.

Do not get me wrong. I do not mean that men love women only because of their beautiful appearances. If a man looks at a woman and says that lipstick is the perfect shade of pink with just the right amount of gold in it, or that red lipstick has too much brown in it for her skin tone, he may consider himself in the right that he loves the woman at the first sight. But after a long period, he is likely to find the woman he loves at the first time is not so beautiful compared with what he saw at the first time. I just say that beautiful appearances are admittedly precious wealth for women, but as women, we may not feel satisfied if we only have beautiful appearances. After all, most women are dainty beauty-seekers. You know, as women, when we look at a woman friend, a woman stranger or ourselves, we may say the jeans need to be a little longer and that shoe should be pointy and in that case we will feel absolutely fabulous.

I want to be a beautiful woman, not only fascinating, charming, welcomed for the appearance, but attracting because of a kind heart, a romantic temperament and gentle manners. I do not consider myself to be at the tops when it comes to the beauty driven and image obsessed. However, I am unwilling to turn to a plastic surgery for help. I am stick to be nature. I like to think I am moderate leaning on the more than average maintenance type of girl. It goes without saying that I enjoy being a girl or a woman and love all things girlie though I like some very boy things too.

As a matter of fact, I do not admire those women whose will not appear in public without putting on make-ups. But if I plan to go any places, I will put time and thought and consideration into what I am wearing and what I look like. I used to think that my clothes were a bit lacking and for me there was no possibility of being a beautiful woman. My real beauty pilgrimage started when I was a freshman. During that period, I lost much weight while other girls gained. As a result, I felt a bit self-satisfied. Before college my desirability to men was just a thought and I never dared to wear a heel though I was often ashamed of height. But now I come to know that I do not like being a single and I desire a husband-to-be. Consequently, I have to lay stress on self-cultivation now and make every effort in the hope of being a beautiful woman.

All in all, I want to be a beautiful woman, not only fascinating, charming, welcomed for the appearance, but attracting because of a kind heart, a romantic temperament and gentle manners.
  • lipstick [´lip,stik] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.唇膏,口红 六级词汇
  • unwilling [ʌn´wiliŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不愿意的;不情愿的 四级词汇
  • surgery [´sə:dʒəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.外科;外科手术 四级词汇
  • lacking [´lækiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.缺少的,没有的 六级词汇
  • pilgrimage [´pilgrimidʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.朝圣;远游;人生历程 四级词汇
  • freshman [´freʃmən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(大学)新生,新手 六级词汇