
Teaching training period is over, everyone were happy to see eachother again, may be most of us

have changed.we spoke to each other happily. We talked about our students our teachers and other

touching stories. I was teaching in railway middle shcool ,and i taught senior high shool students.

There are 190 days left for the college entrence examination. I sincerely hope they can succeed in the exam.

Now i miss them so much,i hope i can see them again, I like senior class(1)students ,

for they are so obedient.may be i was strict to them because i was a training headteacher in their class,

I also love senior class 2 student , for they are so friendly and so lovely! I miss you so much my friends !

May be i will come back to see you when i have free time ,Another deep feeling i have is that

i will study hard to improve myself. I realized that to be a teacher is not an easy thing ,

and to be a good teacher is more difficult, And i think to be a teacher you shoud have

take on your responsibility! in all, i spend a happy time with my teachers and my friends and

my students . They left me a deep impression. I thank all of them.Thank you!
  • touching [´tʌtʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.动人的 prep.提到 四级词汇