

In our living planet,there is existing a magic,which is called "love". love began with the birth of our earth,while people were born,love was born.

As we know,human ancestor temptation of Adam and Eve were temped by Satan and ate the forbidden fruit -apple, meanwhile love was born. So,I assume the love to be an apple.

Love is a magic apple ,and everyone all desire to get and eat it. But sometimes,people will make mistake of getting the wrong apple,which make them be heartbreak.

Love is a magic apple,which grows in the trees as its regular growing circle .some immature youths will be to be too impatient to wait to get it,which is still not ripe.That's doomed to be bitter .This is so-called " puppy love ".

When the apple grows bigger and reder,more and more individuals are eager to reach it, but it may be a toxic apple,just like the beautiful apple which is eaten by the Snow White.The fairy tales tell us that the wonderful appearance doesn't represent anything but to be good to hear or see(赏心悦目)。You should know,true love is from heart,deep heart. It's magic of love. It can't be explained and penetrated.While it should be heard and seen by the heart.

But more often,love is a positive magic.Individuals who wanna it in the right time with right person can get forever happiness.Come back to the reality,we can see one or two love stories,which are so sweety to make evil envy.

A boy fell in love with a beautiful girl,with blue eyes and golden hair,but unfoutunately,the boy is a humpback,althougt he had an ocean of knowledge and a glden heart,which is considered as a inferior man.To our surprised,the boy never give up.Till one day he would leave her,he asked :" Do you trust the fate? I've heard that, before a boy was born,the god would tell him whoever he would marry to.The god told me my bride is a humpback,then, I beg to the god and said a humpbacked woman is really a tragedy ,give the beatiful appearance to her and the humpback to me,please?" The girl's heart was shocked by his sincere words and eyesight and, at last she stretch her hands to him And to be his only bride.

When lover's hand is handing yours ,love becomes colorful and magic.

Love is magic feeling,which make the characters immersed in the

love river can't help.

Love is a combination with two half apple.The god fling(抛)the two divided part of the apple to this world, when the half apple find anther part of the apple,they can become a whole apple, owning the whole love. Wish all shall be well ,and jack shall have jill.(有情人终成眷属)
  • anther [´ænθə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.花粉囊;药 六级词汇