
Last weekend, I went skiing and enjoyed the hot spring together with my colleagues. It's really very interesting.

We started at 09:00am from the office. Although it's the coldest day of this winter, everyone looked very energetic and enthusiastic. After about 2 hours' ride, we arrived the destination. We went to the hotel to have lunch first. Then we set out to the ski resort, which is only 1000 meters from the hotel we stayed. We changed the ski shoes and got a pair of skis from the working staff of the ski resort, which meant the beginning of the cool game.

It's the first time for most of us to take part in such kind of outdoor activities, so everybody were very excited and frightened. As a green hand, at first I dared not move even one step. With the instruction of my partners who had such experience before, I bent down and made my two thighs cling to each other to try to keep myself balanced from slipping to the ground. Finally I could move step by step. Well begun is half done. I was so confident of myself and believed that I could ski as fast as others. After several times' practice, I could ski freely. We even held a match to check who skied the fastest. Very interesting! We played with each and enjoyed the memorable time together. But time flied so fast, two hours' happy hour passed, we had to take the bus back to the hotel. Our exciting faces were snapped by the camera to verify the beautiful moment.

The place we stayed is very renowned for its hot spring. The hot spring water is channeled to the hotel, so we could enjoy the hot spring directly in the hotel. After supper, we went to the bathhouse. Bathing in the deep water, I felt very comfortable and relaxed. I heard that hot spring water was very good to skin. Now I experienced its magical force myself. It really made the skin very smooth. I even didn't want to come out from the water. I wish I could stay here every day.

I'm deeply impressed by this unmemorable experience. I'll go there again if possible.
  • weekend [´wi:kend, ,wi:k´end] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.周末休假 四级词汇
  • energetic [,enə´dʒetik] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.精力旺盛的;有力的 四级词汇
  • verify [´verifai] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.检验;查对;证明 四级词汇
  • experienced [ik´spiəriənst] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有经验的;熟练的 四级词汇
  • magical [´mædʒikəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有魔术的,神奇的 六级词汇