
A sense of sensation of a new day

Today I waked up for a ring of mobile phone .To my surprise,he have already arrived at Zhuhai Airport,who is the only son of my dad's good friend.I open my eyes ,it was 7:10 !So early......I arrived Zhuhai at Airport on 24th ,a disoppoiting day which was rainning ! I left my new jean at home before I went to Haikou,and I called my dad and told him that if someone of my hometown came to Zhuhai ,he could take my jean to him and deliver to me.So today I must go to the Zhuhai Airpport to meet him,a yongster of my age .I knew he is the son of my dad's friend.It is a long way for me to take a bus to the airport from my college,and I met him at the airport at 9:00 !Oh,God......a few minutes' greeting ,I went to college and he took a taxi to his factory ,a strange place for him I knew,because he just graduated from technical secondary school(技校)。

Opening my dorm' door ,I took a deep breath because of the fatigue of taking bus .Then I open the ark and found there were more things than I can image except my new jean .There were some bags of coconut candy and other food !How can I believe my dad delievered that to me ,while I said to him that what I wanted is my new jean !A sense of sensation was floating on my mind .I konw ,parents' worry and love towards their children is irreplacable and sacred ,which is deeply move their children forever no matter where they are ,what they do and how they live .That we once did so many mistakes , we once complained about their nattering (唠叨)and we even quarreled with them because of some trifles(鸡毛蒜皮小事)don't matter in their's eyes and they don't have them at heart ! Why ?Because we are their children ,their hope and their all ! It is great !

A ring of mobile phone is alwanys circling ,cirling and cirling ......

A sound of love !
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • coconut [´kəukənʌt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.椰子(果);头 四级词汇