
Last night ,I was enjoying my reading in the bed after work. Other roomates all fall alseep when it comed to the samlle hours.

A still night . But I was disturbed by some noise that made by the mice in the kitchen! Such creatures must considered the kitchen as their playground ! Listen , what a big noise they were making ! They must enjoy themselives very much there, but , I cann't take it any more ! I'll give them a lesson ,I setted up my mind .

Then I got up and walked towards the kitchen carefully,with a stick in my hand . There, outside of the kitched door I stood quietly with my ears up for a moment . But I could hear nothing . Clever creatures . They must hided themselives somewhere . So I jumpped into the kitchen ,but to found nothing special ! Turned on the light .I was sure they would come out and play again if I leave them alone . something should be done , they must to be surfed from it!

With the stick's help I searched every coner they may in. All of a sudden,a big mouse hided behind some bottles rushed out ! Now or never ! I quickly stepped on it ,I can felt a soft and big thing under my foot ,strugling and strugling . Got it ! I was not going to put my whole weight onto it afriading it may be pressed into pieces . That would make me feel scik all night . but .... the danger came about ! The mouse is so big that part of its body was out of the power of my foot , it turned its head back with the purpose to bite me !!! what would you do at this very moment ? Will you pull your foot up and let the mouse go ? Never ! I just put more power onto its body ,lucky, with the pain's effect, it just could bited my shoe. On the other hand , I covered its body with my two foot ! listening the cracks in its body ,its bones were broken . I pulled my foot back carefully in case it would escape at any moment ,if it's strong enough . No movement ,I turnded its body around , noticed some blood in its mouth ,the pity creature died . GOD creat it , I sent it back to the GOD . HOHO ~ Pray for it !

Next morning , a big noise waked me up ,"whaa ,a big dead mouse lies there !"