
These days I suspect that I have exhausted all of my ginger to fulfill my task. I almost have no free time to do other things except study. If there really exists one , if this can be called " entertainment", that is running 2000 meters around the pitch each day.

Never ever have I been as busy as this semester. 35 credits , two momentous English exams and Japanese are all like colossal stones pressing upon me and throttling me to death. Almost not a single do I get adequate sleep. In the early morning I have to tear myself from bed with all my strength , after which I shovel my breakfast to my mouth within ten minutes. Then I turn on my computer to rendezvous with English newscast. After the news comes to an end, I pick up my schoolbag agilely, cram the books needed and whirl out of the dormitory like a gust of wind. In the afternoon, however busy I am, I will go running for sure, which can be defined as my solitaryleisure and entertainment within a day. You know I am not a machine. I need to relax too. Even a machine cannot run round the clock, right? Furthermore , under such intense pressure, if I forego running and body building, I dare not imagine what I will be and whether I can still sustain myself.

Every night I have to combat with all kinds of textbooks and exercise until midnight. I have to highly focus on the things I learn so as to maintain high efficiency. The countless work needs not only my diligence but also my efficiency.

Each time I give a buzz to my mom and pour out all my bitterness, she always upbraids me and says I deserve this. She keeps nagging about me and enjoins me to take good care of myself. She said since i have chosen my own way , I must insist on it other than giving up halfway ! success always belongs to perseverance! Thanks to my mum's reanimation , I strongly believe I can overcome all the humps and bramble I encounter ! as the says goes , though life is full of setbacks, it is also full of overcoming ! fight for your dream !
  • colossal [kə´lɔsəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.庞大的;异常的 四级词汇
  • dormitory [´dɔ:mitəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(集体)宿舍 六级词汇
  • bramble [´bræmbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.荆棘 六级词汇