
受一位朋友委托写一篇关于介绍家乡享誉 " 岭南第一山"的罗浮山的文章,今天早上终于完成.说来惭愧, 这位朋友几天前就请我写了,我却因为太忙而拖到现在,而且还是在匆忙中完成的! 最近不仅学习工作繁忙, 而且身体也欠佳, 又牙痛又并头痛, 真是苦不堪言,昨晚还坚持去了上班, 回来都快累垮了, 却还要紧张地准备英语角的相关材料. 一直折腾到两点多才睡, 想来也真够 " 凄凉"的了, 哈哈!不过没关系, 有时生活就是这么紧张的, 有机会体会一下也好, 起码过得很充实! 放心, 我会注意保重身体的! 我会坚持每天运动的! 呵呵


i am from Huizhou, Gunagdong province. When asked what resorts my hometown has, I will proudly say that there are a vast amount of scenic places, among which Mount Luofu may enjoy the greatest popularity.

Mount Luofu lies to the shore of Dongjiang River, bordering Zhengcheng and Longmen county. She is famous for her charming scenery all the year around. Though seasons alter every year, it seems that she has made an eternal rendezvous with the maid of spring round the year. The spring-like sight will never fade away even in the sternest period of winter. most of the timberlands have been well preserved and take on the original appearance as it did many years ago. Hence diversified wild animals such as birds, squirrels, snakes are lively inhabiting these forests and become kindly friends to the tourists fooling around. Snakes, though perilous to human, do a great job when used to cure some given kinds of rare diseases. Apart from snakes, there are an ocean of wild animals and medical herbs that can be drawn upon to save lives from awful diseases.

On top of the originally-well-preserved eco-system, Mount Luofu is also renowned for its relativelycomprehensive entertainment facilities. In the mountain, you can enjoy yourself by various means such as canoeing, boating, driving dodgem cars and so on, among which taking a cable car may be the most exciting! The route for the cable car originates from the bottom of the mountain and extends to 820-meter height above sea level, the length of which reaches 1800 meters that will take you almost one hour to travel to and fro. Sitting in a cable car, you can enjoy the comely landscapes in the air without toiling away the tough rugged road as do others.

Following the complete facilities is the palatable food. People living both in the mountain and at the foot of the mountain produce a variety of featured local products that enjoy warm welcome among the tourists. These local foods are characterized with the unique living style of the local people and tastes particularly toothsome. They are the favorites for the outer tourists to bring to their friends and relatives as souvenirs.

Altogether, Mount Luofu is literally a wonderful place for us to enjoy yourself. If having chance, just pay a visit to it and then you will utter with a great surprise, " what a marvelous place!"