
How time flies


When I was young I listened to the radio ,waiting for my fovorite songs.When they played ,I'd sing alone ......I still remember this song sang by American famous singer Carpenters.

It describe well one's feelings of their wanderful childhood. I constantly look back on my childish things .I know ,they are goodness of my memory .It is just like a minute when I grew up to a ambitious youngster compared to an ignorant child when I was a naughty and mischievous kid .

How time flies ! What happened past is just like happening yesterday .I used to fish with my fellows by the river far away from my courntryside .We were still full of elation ,though we got no fish .That day ,my fellows and I set off to start our fishing with our fishing rods.To our surprise ,we forgot to bring our bait ! When arriving at the river after our taking the bait ,we put our bags on the ground and begained to fish .We always imaged that a big surprise awaited us and we can easily got it without any efforts .We enjoyed the breeze and mild sunshine ,prancing from one place to another. As a matter of fact ,I cound't help taking out my bait to see whether a fish was cought or not .How foolish we were ! But it was true that we lived at ease and we spent a leisurely day .What's more ? We were regularly enchanted in the childish thought that the sky was always blue ,and the sun was always bright. That day we gained nothing but happiness .We sang the song side by side : Yesterday once more --When I was young I listened to the radio ,waiting for my fovorite songs.When they played ,I'd sing alone ......We enjoyed the virtual situation that our faces were pictured by the sunset and even the shadows of us pasted on the ground ! And now I am always trapped in the melodious rhythm of my childish song .Childhood is a song ......

How time flies ! I now grew into a yongster ,who is filled with ambitous dreams .The more I know about society ,the more annoyance and insecurance I get .By no means must I strive on my dreams and struggle for my liberty .There are times when I find that what I have learned is so little and limited ;times when I reallize that I still need to practise myself enough and sufficiently;times when I am aware of my responsibility I gain .Facing with harsh competition in society ,I have to sharpen my advantages and hid my disadvantages when necessary .Against all odds , I believe myself !Where there's a will ,there is a way .

Time is inevitable and growing is an inevitable process of one's life .Don't complait with others ,don't reject your hopes and don't get in the fog .Just keep a good state of mind and you will find that the sky is no limit !
  • mischievous [´mistʃivəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有害的;淘气的 四级词汇
  • happening [´hæpəniŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.事件,偶然发生的事 四级词汇
  • fishing [´fiʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.钓鱼;捕鱼;渔业 四级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • leisurely [´leʒəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.从容地,慢慢地 四级词汇
  • rhythm [´riðəm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(诗的)韵律;格律 四级词汇
  • annoyance [ə´nɔiəns] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.烦恼事(人) 四级词汇