
Take risks or not


Just as the proverb says :nothing venture nothing gain .Apparently ,if one want to get a tiger's cub ,he must enter the tiger's lair.While taking risks rely deeply on one's culture background and one's values of life .

At some time of other,we will hesitate before taking risks doing something uncertain.While others not.Our Chinese are collectivism and our culture is high-uncertainty avoidance.By contrast,American are indivualism and their culture is low-uncertainty avoidance .So people's attitude towards risks vary from people to people,especially those who come from different conutries .

What is risks ? Risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certainty .Due to the harsh hierarchy in Chinese ancient time,our Chinese are descended from the conservativeperception and thoughts.No wonder that our Chinese constantly measure the benefit to the harm before taking actions .For instance ,when meeting with a chance to go abroad ,Our Chinese will contemplate it for a long time before making decisions ,and parents regularly worry that whether their children would run into trouble abroad and who can help them ,and the like.In contrasting with American ,they are more independent and individual than our Chinese.When they were a child ,they were encouraged to make decisions as well as take risks .For the most part ,when handling troublesome problems ,Americans are proficient enough to deal with them .The different attitudes about taking risks reflect the difference of their value system .

Nowadays ,more and more yongsters are involved in the extreme sports like the bungee jumping ,rock climbing ,surfing .In this light,they are taking risks .What they are seeking for is the thrill and excitement of life which is a mean of getting rid of pressure and annoyance.After all ,more and more people are living under pressure of work and life with the high step of quality of life .Dealing with all manner of pressure ,they have to search for a way to relieve themselves. So taking risks is regarded as a mean of making themselves conspicucous and presenting their personality.

Apparently, the gap between high-uncertainty avoidance curlture and low-uncertainty avoidance culture will be reduced with the interaction and more cummunications between those countries .Sometimes we might as well take risks ,because we need enough chances to improve ourselves.Without the risks ,we will be reduced into a mediocre person and we may be contented with the short-term leisure.

Nothing venture nothing gain !So I prefer to take risks !
  • proverb [´prɔvə:b] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.谚语;格言 四级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • perception [pə´sepʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.感觉;概念;理解力 四级词汇