
The influence of being an athlete model


No matter which nationality you belong to and no matter what kind of skin color you have,I believe ,of course,anyone has his athlete model.

It is an overwhelming fashion that more and more athletes model come into our life by virtue of globlization and economization of the world. Naturally ,these athletes have become the models of the young and even the old. For instance ,the football star,Luonaerduo ,has become a saint in the young's eyes.Another giant is Flier Jordan.A large group of youngsters put him on the pedestal.

Wtihout a doubt, athletes have become a part of people's life.Having an athlete model can benefit the yongsters in :

They can learn as much as they can from his model ,and they can follow the athletes' lead well .Some yongsters can set their aims off ,and they worship the diligence of his model .Being an excellent athlete do play an overwhelming role in the yongsters in the modern time ,especially in the hyperdevelopping era of economic.

Another influence is that a yongster are supposed to get rid of his unconfidence and inferiority when he recall the progress and diligence of his athlete model.This influence is powerful enough to life up a person .The key is that what they have is similar : dream .A dream can motivate a person to act crazlily.

The last is that athlete models have set a good example to his country ,and even the world ! This influence is strong and profound. The spirit of an athlete will last long , so as to enlighten a generation of person. And this is a symbolism of prosperity of a country !

While every coin has two sides .Being an athlete also has drawbacks. Because those who play well in the athletic field are perceived as saints and the young's world will come to an end if his athlete models make a mistake .They even suffer from desperation and self-rejection when he know his athlete models are not a saint .

But the good things about being a role model outweigh the bad.So parents should always remind their kids that no matter which athletes they look up to ,there are no perfect human beings .
  • athlete [´æθlit, ´æθli:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.体育家;运动员 四级词汇
  • nationality [,næʃə´næliti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.国籍;民族 四级词汇
  • overwhelming [,əuvə´welmiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.压倒的;势不可挡的 四级词汇
  • enlighten [in´laitn] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.启发,开导 四级词汇
  • desperation [,despə´reiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.铤而走险,拼命 四级词汇