
These days, "earthquake" became the most important word in China or even all over the world. So many people pay their attention to it .So many things make people moved. But right now, we must face a very important thing - how to help the people who suffered the earthquake deal with the traumatic.

Some people who escaped from the earthquake always have nightmares .When they have a sleep, they always feel the earth is shaking. Fear and loss appetite are the typical syndrome of this traumatic. Not only do the students from the earthquake hit regions, but other students need time to recover from the traumatic.

For the students who lost their families, guilt always in their minds. They often think that why they couldn't do something to save their parents. And the other people may feel grief.

Much people who go to Sichuan Province, want to help the people deal with the pain. "They need an outlet for their emotions through talking or crying. And we should pay special attention to those people who seem clam, cool, indifferent and keep their emotions to themselves." said Huang Jinlong a psychological consultant at South China University. So when some volunteers go to Sichuan Province. They need to talk with these people and play with the children.

"You could talk with the people and play with them who feel grief. But you couldn't take the PSP to them. If they habe played the PSP, they would addict themselves to it for avoid to be faced with the truth." said a psychologist on TV. So when some volunteers go there. Not only do the volunteers but also the people who go there pay more attention on these details.

Some students force themselves to forget the disaster. When the volunteers find this situation .They must help these people relax and help these people set up the confidence to face with the traumatic.

Use some special plants to relax the people, as the Lavender or Rose. These kinds of lovely flowers will make people feel happy and restful.

Efficient self-helping is better than passively receiving comfort and sympathy from others. So do something to set up their confidence and make them full of the hope with the future is very necessary.

It is a long time that people need to recover psychologically from the earthquake. We must make a long-plan to help them,making this plan more humane or more precise. And never give up when we feel sad.

We will never give up helping the people deal with the pain, which would be a hard and lengthy process. Time passed ,the earthquake is a scar on people's heart, but the solicitude from the countrymen could make the misery fades from our memory. Whatever the reason, we will always be your side and you will never be alone.

Tears will only blur our vision. Wipe away our tears. We must be strong in order to see clearly and walk straight. We have been helping them to deal with the pain, everything will be fine.