
Tonight at our teaching building named arts building, I had a chat with some of my classmates and friends during the break. We tattled a lot about our prospective further education. We all want to be postgraduates and gain our master's degree in America or Hong Kong. But it is easier said than done. We analyzed the critical requirements and terms of the universities we are inclined to and found that we are far from reaching them. how upset and discouraged we were in the beginning. Nonetheless, thanks to two years we still have for further preparation, we firmly believe we can achieve through our tough and constant efforts.

Beside study, we also talked about a lot of other topics. We scanned through life, our respective family ties, our local customs and so forth. We really enjoyed a good time then.

All of a sudden, one of my friend said to me bewilderingly, " Xiaoqi, it seems to me that you seldom unrip your troubles or misfortunes to us. It appears that you never encounter any brambles or hardships, and even if you do, you are so iron-willed that you can definitely pull through it effortlessly. That is fantastic!" hearing her compliments, I could just put up a friendly reluctant smile and utter a sigh. I just said seemingly negligently, " In fact, not really. I also come across a lot of straits in my life fairly often, but I am not the one who favors to pour out all the troubles to others. Many times I just bury all the misfortunes in my heart and melt them little by little with the time. many people anticipate comfort and encouragements to sustain themselves out of troubles, which is not my piece of cake. As with me, I think comfort and encouragements from others work little on me when I am really bathed in agony. I just want to be quite and turn the problem over and over by myself. I need to reflect on my future way to go and what I literally need in my heart.

Yes, that is me. Unless you are my good friends and share the same mind with me, I will never disclose my setbacks to you 'cause I do not want to make you uneasy for the sake of my own business. And as you are not my intimate friends, you will not care too much about me and there is no need for me to tell you my bad luck. Then you might think I am on the right and smooth track all the time or I am really having a strong mind. But the truth is I am like nothing but you, an ordinary person whose moon will also wax and wane. Now I came to realize that the more glorious a person seems to be, the more miserable life he might live and the more pressure and distress he has to bear. No one can truly know his heart-deep thinking.

In sum, interpreting a person is no easy thing. It needs great skills and trust. So if your friend are willing to reveal their troubles to you and ask you for advice or solutions, then you are marvelously successful.
  • prospective [prə´spektiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.预期的;未来的 四级词汇
  • respective [ri´spektiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.各自的,各个的 四级词汇
  • reluctant [ri´lʌktənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.勉强的;难得到的 四级词汇
  • seemingly [´si:miŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.表面上;似乎 四级词汇
  • marvelously [´mɑ:viləsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.奇异地;奇迹般地 四级词汇