
Sometimes we feel despondent,considering that every thing comes to an end.It's our the inevitable time in our life.So at that time ,what we should do is just keeping holding on.

I once saw a disabled girl dressing herself on TV.She had no hands and only used her teeth and feet to put on her clothes.Obviously,she is not so fluent in dressing herself without hands.But the expression in her eyes was so stedfast as if nothing can shake her.This picture was so moving and I called it "Fight With Fate".

When lucky go against you, just thinking about that girl,or slowing down and looking around, you'll find that little things can't make your life sunless.Parents'care,friendship with your friends,your warm houses,even a singing bird, are beautiful sense in your life.And they will be your side when you are sad. As a result , you should just keep holding on and hold on to they, don't lit they just pass you by.
  • holding [´həuldiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保持,固定,存储 六级词汇