
Children Should Be Told They Are Adopted

I hold the idea that children should be told they are adopted. First of all, everyone in the society has the right to know his or her own biological parents. It concerns something about dignity. Image that everyone surrounding you knows you are just adopted, including your adopted parents, your relatives, your neighbour, your classmates and your friends, but only yourself is kept completely in the dark, and some day you get the truth that you are actually adopted from others by accident. What will you feel? If I were in this situation, undoubtedly, I would feel deceived and not trust others any longer or even go crazy. But if my adopted parents tell me the truth beforehand, I will accept it and respect and love them more.

Additionally, telling the children they are adopted has a good point in some sense. If an adopted child gets an incurable disease which calls for transfused blood, the situation will be worse unless finding his or her natural parents. Otherwise, the child will be in great danger, not only physically but also mentally. On one hand, he suffers from the disease, on the other hand, he may lose the chance to gain transfused blood at the best time and finally drives himself to be despaired.

What's more, if children are not told they are adopted, there may be some bad effects on them when they face their difficult future. On account of being adopted, they are of many possibilities to be afraid of being looked down upon of. Admittedly, being adopted is not a shame. But when being looked at suspectedly, they will be more sensitive than others and feel ill at ease. And they are likely to feel hurt.

Furthermore, if the adopted parents tell the children the truth, they will feel that they are adultedly treated and themselves are respected as well. Therefore, their relation with the adopted parents will be more harmonious. But parents are supposed to choose a best time to tell them patiently, for little children are generally more sensitive.

All in all, I support the idea that children should be told they are adopted.