
The travel to Beijing

On July.16th,2008, I set off from Guangzhou to Peking by train and began an unforgettable and embarrassed travel. This experience will forever leave in my deep mind and remind me how to be a real person.

I was travelling with somebody named W who is a foreigner came from the USA, together with my sister. On the morning of 16th,we took a taxi to the Guangzhou railway station and boarded on the train. We three persons had two sleepers, one up bed and one down. My sister and I shared the up bed there and enjoyed all day's comfort. During the whole afternoon, we were eating ,talking and we were excited. At noon when lunch time came we went to the dinning car to have a meal. While we were waiting for the food W asked me to give my hands to him and smile to him. He told me that he love me. I kept silent all the time and my eyes kept looking outside the window, pretending that I was enjoying the nice scenery. He just stared at me with affectionateness which made me feel a big burden. There was a heavy bag on my heart. I could not bear a good friend of mine saying love me and I could not hurt him. The whole journey turned to be long and dull. We just stayed in our bed and engaged in thoughts the whole afternoon and the night. I remember that once or twice he woke up at night and caress my head and he didn't know that there ware tears on my face. I do not love this man , I have my beloved boyfriend who is waiting for me at home. I regretted acting so rashly to go to another city with a foreigner.

When sun rose on that morning we got up and say greetings. The train steered into the station and we debarked. To our suddenness, we were charged additional 450 RMB for over-height. W got really angry and tried to call the police but was stopped by me .It took us near two hours in the queue before we finally got into a taxi which would take us to our hotel. I asked W how many rooms did he reserved and I was told only one . That was the answer that stimulate me of my final determination. In no case will I stay in a single room with a strange man ! Argument is of no use ,it would not change his mind . I knew the man's desire to be with me and love me , but I would take action as soon as I could.

We entered the hotel room and began to tidy up ourselves. My sister and I took out our dresses and took a shower in the washroom while Mr. W was reviewing e-mails. After the bath , it was 11 o'clock am , I read the map in bed and it was his turn to take a bath. At that time the hotel room was clean and vacant ,no body else was there .I acted at once , packing my belongs and leading my dearest little sister out of the room before anyone found us. My heart-beat quickly like a rabbit it seemed that I had done something unlawfully.

My success escape from the foreigner who loved me happened towards midday and we were hungry and scared .We took a taxi to the nearest street called Wong Fo Jung Str. Which is the most famous business center in Beijing. As soon as we were in that street we rushed into a super market to have a meal. I burst into tears in this totally strange city which are thousand miles away from my parents and my beloved boyfriend .I said my prayers, hoping god would forgive my selfishness and the hurt given to him.

In an unacquainted place, everything must decide by yourself. I had to look for another hotel for my sister and myself. As we had little money in the pocket, I found a cheaper room where I could live for two nights. My mobile phone rang all the time ,I knew it was Mr.W who must have been looking for me everywhere . But I didn't answer the phone. Let it be !

In the afternoon ,we wandered about in the street and visited various kinds of shops .They were selling special local food , chopsticks , traditional Chinese costume Qi pao and so on. I bought nothing because of a distressed heart. The following 2 days, we visited the Forbidden City where the Chinese emperor lived in hundred years ago, the Jingshan Park and the historic zoo .What a pity that we didn't spare any time to visit Bird-nest, the Olympic gymnasium . As the end of this journey , we took a photograph of the Peking railway station to mark this unusual experience. We got on the train home on the evening of 19th and arrived home on the morning of 21st. When we were home , we were all tired and exhausted.