
I still remember that it was a sunny pleasant summer afternoon, with oceans of trees keeping us from burning of the sun and soft brezze blowing its coolness closely through our shirts. One of my best friends with me was walking through a trail on campus, which is guarded by flourish gaint trees on both sides. We enjoyed our talking very much except we ended it with the CET-6 stuffs.

He asked me: "How is your CET-6?"

"It's not that ideal, since I did not do even a little preparation for it at all..........." I explained vacillatingly for the haunted shadow of low marks in CET-6.

Never had I thought the shocked words out of his mouth : " It's not an excuse at all, you major in english, you are supposed to get a positive result, even if you give less attention."

All that I can do at that time was just to shut up and to repeat his words "It's not an excuse at all" for hundreds, maybe thousands of times deep in my heart. I felt great ashamed and embarrassed. What captured in my mind were only unnamely regret and pains. It's too damn hard to describe how we finished that excruciating trail-------actully less than 10 meters long. I exhaustedly struggled myself out that atmosphere with the cold sweat watering my forehead. I do not think anyone are willing to experience what I had met.

After seeing him off, I silently lost myself in thoughts. To mirror myself is an emergency and necessity particularly at this moment.

Concerning my study, I had to say a huge stone suddenly press itself and gather all its strength immediately on my heart . Yes, he is right, I did not do well in my study originated from the ignorance to it. And my laziness undoutdedly should answer for the degenaration in study. With realization of all these facts, then came to the key question---what measures should I take to meet my ideal target?

I have to admit the failure in my study during the past two years, time was not fully and efficiently used. However, it does not matter at all as long as I could brace up to devote myself to the goal later. I bet I will be enriched and improved through determination and deligence.

I reckon persistence is the fatalest step on the way to victory. I have to clear my mind to build up a feasible detailed plan and a targeted aim. Then adhereing to them strictly will finally make sence. Of course I have to balance my time and energy between my study and work. In additon, choosing a shortcut to get the best ending weighs a lot as well.

"Hi, are you all right?"my classmate wake me up from the thinking. With a big smell, I answer: " Of course we are all right." I can sence "It's not an excuse at all" is part of me now, which will remind me something deeply hid, that is we need to reflect us more for always we need to anatomise us for further all-around consummation! In most situations,we gradually get used to our flaws and bear self-satisfaction in our mind. Only some stimulating words can cheer us up, and then we surly step in a new begining to continue. Actually, life is a process of self-improvement. Life needs unnumbered times self-reflection to pave a brighter future! Gain yourself the opportunity to deep dig your potential and realise the priliminary dream of your life!
  • coolness [´ku:lnis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.凉,凉爽;冷静 六级词汇
  • target [´tɑ:git] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.靶子;目标;指标 四级词汇
  • efficiently [i´fiʃəntli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.有效地;能胜任地 六级词汇
  • feasible [´fi:zibəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.可行的,可实行的 六级词汇