
Magical Internet

Flowerlike age, beautiful beach city, golden campus, mysterious and romantic love, seems to be closely connected with magical Internet .

"Net friend", "Cyber Love", "Surfing the Internet" become a famous and trendy words hanging on our mouths.

There're a lot of stories and soap operas related to the Cyber Love. However, I neither read nor watch. Only heard of《The First Intimate Touch》. Comparing with my netting story, they are same usual but same magic. Think it deeply, Yes, it's true: common life has a little bit of magic.

Most of people said Internet is false, but I don't think so. Internet for me is the same real and true. There are kind men, also bad men; there are active knowledge seeker, also abandoned guys good for nothing; there are simpleminded "dullard" who will show his real name, there are deceivers who will cheat you from the beginning to the end; there are ugly "Dinosaur" who will make you sick, there are also beauties who is so beautiful and pretty. No matter who you are, what do you love, " Chat as you like, let others saying!"

At first when I was talking via internet, the mainly reason is to excise typing. Maybe it is a best excuse for my parents. They thought the computer has worm, it may make the person "sick" in front of it. : ) However, I have not special plan for the surfing at that time. There is no expectation, there is no disappointment. But, the internet is strange and amazing for me. I won't make friends, and see the net friends, why not surfing? Now, I can see, everything is not simple and easy.

After that, I met various of net friends. Almost one friend one day. Other person will even meet three in a day for paying the bill. It seems that I was lost and live in the magic internet world.

But now, for internet, I won't be interested, won't be exciting, and won't be attracted. I still usually surfing, still click QQ. However, I'll hide myself and calmly see the various friends come and go. Familiar but strange. Sometimes I can see the message from them, but never reply. Only because surfing the internet has past, magical is nothing!
