
深圳大学 赖小琪

These days I am just as busy as a bee. I have got countless things to do and almost have no time to take a break even for a while. I am busy coping with various affairs about my class and the English corner. Though every thing is just a trifle, but when all of them swarm to me at the same time, I will be spinning out of control.

Many of my friends asked me why my qq zone was not renewed. They said that they were looking forward to my constantly-updated articles. Actually I am also desperately thirsty for streaming my emotions and sensations through my pen to paper, but I really cannot find the time as I could before. Nonetheless, extremely bustling as I am, I will go all out to squeeze time to fulfill my minimum writing task that I prepare for myself at the very beginning of the semester. It is high time to test my ability to balance all the things I am undertaking.

Now I come to realize that we do need some time, at least a short moment to leave ourselves alone, however busy we are. When masses of affairs are strangling us, we do need to sit still and quiet, meditating how we can come up with the most effective and efficient way and schedule to overmaster the ticklish problems one by one. Then we can surely accomplish our tasks within the set time. Otherwise, if we manage all the things at the same time and rush without thinking, then we might trap ourselves into mire from which we can barely pull ourselves out. Worse still, with time fleeting by, we may realize we seemingly have more to do instead of feeling more relaxing. Without an appropriateschedule, you can hardly see the end of the torment. Even though you finally seek your way out, you may be terribly over-burdened. That is precisely a common case in our life!

So in a broad sense, stopping for a while does not mean wasting time. It is done for the sake of saving more time in the future! Hesitation and tardiness is definitely not advocated, but calming down and working out the best plan is well advised. Whereas, how to set a distinct line between them? it is literally a hard question that has various answers according to given situations! One should try to explore the exact way and acquire the experience through undergoing sufficient twists and turns!
  • fleeting [´fli:tiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.飞逝的,疾驰的 六级词汇
  • seemingly [´si:miŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.表面上;似乎 四级词汇
  • wasting [´weistiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.&n.浪费(的) 四级词汇