
In this quiet of the night, the hush drived me homesick/" target="_blank">homesick. Accompanied by the missing, I couldn't help letting streams of thought flowing through the nib of my pen. I just would like to take this opportunity to thank for my family.

I am wrapped in the warmth and kindness in a poor but cosy family. Maternal comforts, and paternal advice creat a paradise of early spring for me. There snowflakes begin to melt into water, running along with a rhyme. All comes to life. I am literally/" target="_blank">literally bathed in this paradise of flowers and fruits, with their fragrance/" target="_blank">fragrance permeating through my whole being.

When I was young, I thanked my parents for the beautiful clothes and delicious food, just paying attention to the grace of flowers and the yummy of fruits in this paradise.

Days slide away furtively accompanied by the bloom and the withering of flowers. I have grown up living in this paradise.

Now I am in the ivory tower for my further education to broad my horizon. Something has changed slightly. I am also thankful for my wonderful family. I notice there is something more I have gained apart from the flowers and fruits.

To foster those flowers, caring is a need. Nowadays its enemy, indifference captures more hearts. We have ability to fly to the moon, but we have trouble to cross the road to say hello to our neighbours.

To get the fruits, giving is a kind of nutrition. As an old saying goes, no pains, no gains. Though giving is not always the twin of getting, getting bases on the giving. Giving guides me in the paths of sacrificing, avoiding to walk through the valley of the shadow of selfishness.

In this paradise, the tender bud stretches out its first leaf in the moring breeze, giving out its pleasant fragrance/" target="_blank">fragrance. I deny myself nothing that my eyes desire and refuse no stream of fragrance/" target="_blank">fragrance for my nose. In my eyes, that is life. Life is not a survival, but a chain of moments of happiness and relishment. I am educated more to be a happy girl than to become somebody by my parents.

Time was dripping into beads of rain outside. It was already midnight. In the patter of rain, from my inside heart came the laughter of an angel, not the Satan. Thanks to my parents, I am crowned with the compassion/" target="_blank">compassion, selflessness and blessness. There are not enough words to express my sincere gratitude to my parents.

On that rainy night, I dreamed to fly to my paradise. In the dream, I had wings and flied freely. What is more, I skied against the snowflakes dancing with my parents in the sky.
  • homesick [´həum,sik] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.思乡的 六级词汇
  • maternal [mə´tə:nl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.母亲的;母性(系)的 四级词汇
  • paternal [pə´tə:nl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.(象)父亲的;父方的 六级词汇
  • nutrition [nju:´triʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.营养(物);食物 六级词汇
  • patter [´pætə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.行话 v.喋喋不休 四级词汇
  • compassion [kəm´pæʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.同情;怜悯 四级词汇