
When a player is going to the competition ground, his coach are always asking "are you ready?". when the soldiers are going to the battlefield ,their commander are always asking "are you ready, too?".

So if I were the player ,I would say "yes, I'm ready to compete with everyone." If I were the solder ,I would say "we are ready to deal with the intruders head-on blows".

This world is full of chances and challenges. Opportunity seldom knocks twice. Someone who dosen"t succeed always complains that the god dosen't appreciate him. But if the opportunity is really coming ,is he ready to seize it ?There is an old proverb that "opportunity is for the people who are well prepared". So we should prepared for anything that will happen.

The Olympic games is a wonderful game, and why does the Event can be the best Olympic games?Before I answer this question ,I want to ask you "have you ever heared the song <we are ready >?" If you have heard it , there is no need to say .Because "we are ready" means that Chinese people are ready to welcome the Olympic Games.

Opportunity will not always come to you . when faced with the challenge , we should also be ready for it . Wenchuan earthquake may be the most terrible disaster in our history .So many innocent lives had lost and so many buildings were destroyed in the earthquake. But the earthquake can't destroy our confidence, why?Because we are ready for any bad things. No matter how terrible it will be , we'll not give in .we believe in our strong country and well preparation .

We are not prophet, so we don't know what will happen in the future .But we can prepared for the future .And at last I want ask you a question" To be ready, are you Ok ?"
  • battlefield [´bætlfi:ld] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.战场 六级词汇
  • proverb [´prɔvə:b] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.谚语;格言 四级词汇