




其实以前我和母亲也有不少矛盾,最严重的那次我差点要离家出走,可是后来平静下来,我还是主动和她和好,因为我觉得,不管以后发生什么事,一家人始终是一家人,天下父母都是为子女好的!而且通过矛盾,我们都看到了彼此的优点和不足,意识到各自的想法差异,以后就可以更好地相处。 现在我和母亲已经没有什么矛盾了,大家都明白了各自的生活方式,也可以很好地包容对方的观念和习惯。我觉得,一个家庭有矛盾未必是件坏事,关键是大家一家人的心不要动摇,那么就万事大吉!相反,有些家庭表面平静,其实人人各怀鬼胎,勾心斗角,这又有什么意义呢?

人长大了,也要会想了,不能再像小时候一样任性做事情。什么该做什么不该做,都要在头脑里有清晰的认识,不要被感情或者一些别的东西冲昏了头脑。而且到了这个年纪,什么人是好人,什么人是坏人,什么人是朋友,什么人是敌人,也很清楚了。 是朋友的就继续交往,不是的见面打声招呼就行了。有些人,你爱他/她一百年也值得,有些人,你为他/她留一点泪也嫌多!

深圳大学 赖小琪

It seems that my throat is recovering little by little, which makes me feel pleased from the bottom of my heart. Now I can speak louder than before and I feel far more comfortable about my throat every day. I really hope that one day in the near future, my throat can come in good shape as before. I will cherish my health from now on! Health means too much to us, without which we can never manage to do what we want. I keep running 2000 meters almost every day and keep on a balanced diet consisting of grains, vegetables, appropriate amount of meat, fruits and milk. It has revitalized my weak body and makes me vigorous and shiny every day. These days many of my friends say to me with great surprise, "Wow, Xiaoqi! You get back to your feet and become a sunshine boy again!" I resolve to be a fighter in my study in the coming year again!

These days I have a lot to ponder over. Many times deep at night, I would sit right before the shining computer screen and sank into thought. I would stare at the screen speechlessly. I am mediating the meaning of friends.

What is friend? We have been discussing this question for a long time. There goes a saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed. It is as hard as to land on the moon to have a good even bosom friend! And more often than not, when you treat others as friends, they might not do the same in return. Or even worse, they just regard you as stupid and render you at the mercy of their hands. After they exploit you completely, they will just kick you away without showing a glance at you. There are also some so-called friends who will always keep in touch with you when you can bring them some benefits. However, when you value to them fades away, they will vanish thoroughly. Your integrity to some people does not guarantee the equal integrity to yourself from them. What does it reveal? Does it tell us that we should always harbor a skeptical heart towards anyone we meet? We should not treat some new acquaintances as friends so early? That is really a tough question for all of us. From my perspective, I hold the viewpoint that firstly, when we know someone for the first time, we should treat him sincerely and suppose him as a real friend. If later on, when time demonstrates his good quality and personality, then you can treat him even better as a good friend. But if he cannot survive the test set by time, we had better steer clear off him as soon as possible.

Altogether, we need to see through some people from some cases that can justify their good or bad. If we fail to do so, we will have to pay a high price, even a sky-high cost!
  • integrity [in´tegriti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.完整;完善;正直 四级词汇
  • perspective [pə´spektiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.望远镜 a.透视的 六级词汇
  • viewpoint [´vju:pɔint] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.观点,看法 四级词汇