
  与人交流的技巧 tips for improving your interpersonal relationships


  Conswello: It's a delight to meet you, Bob Eubanks, it really is.


  Eubanks: Thank you very much. You do a great job on this show.


  Conswello: Well,thank you very much and you're using your people skills already . I'm intrigued by how you keep reinventing yourself. How do you do it?


  Eubanks:Well,you know, I just think what a person has to do is take their strengths, and I know that no one's gonna hire me to a do a game show again so, because they go for the younger guy and such so I got, I sat down, I said, you know, "What should I do?" And I've learned so much about people, and I decided to go out and speak to corporate America What I'm doing is I'm showing corporate America how to maintain a balance in their people skills to high technology. I mean, we're losing our people skills because of the wonderful technology is there. And so I go out and I teach them how to maintain their people skills; how to get the most from people.


  Conswello: So how do you do that?


  Eubanks: Ah, you show interest in them. Ah, when I was doing Newlywed Game, the couples were very frightened and very scared and they would sit there like this. The moment I would say, "How're you doing? How's your family? How's your dog? How's this?" The moment that you would see their body language change. You would see everything about them change. So, if we can show interest in other people and generally, generally care about other people, then it is amazing. People will tell you things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury.That's what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway.


  Conswello: Now, are you finding that there is a good reception to these, you know, personal skills that you're bringing to corporate America, and does it matter to them? Does it matter to management?


  Eubanks: Yeah, it really does, it really does because creativity's going down the tubes if we're not careful. No longer am I waking into your office and saying, "Conswello, I got an idea. What do you think about this?" "OK good, Bob. Let's do this." We're sending emails to each other in the next cubicle. We've got to maintain a balance, and I'm a big tech fan, believe me I am, but we have to maintain a balance with our people skills. And that's what I teach, basically.


  Conswello: So how do you teach it?


  Eubanks: I simply, I do it in a very comedic way. I do a one hour very funny keynote called 'The Power of Partnerships". And I speak to companies like Southwest Airlines or Washington Mutual. I've had some many good clients--and I've been doing this about a year and a half. And what I did, I associated myself with four other speakers, very successful speakers: Emery Austin, Mark Mayfield, David Naster, Joe Malarchy. We formed a marketing company called "Five Easy Speakers"...

  尤班克斯:我采用的方法很有趣。我会做长达一小时的基调讲说,叫"合作的力量"。我到西南航空和华盛顿基金公司去分享心得一一我有些很优秀的客户一一我这样做已经有一年半的时间了。我跟其他四位演讲者合作,他  们都是很成功的演讲者:爱美莉·奥斯汀、马克·梅菲德、大卫·纳斯特、乔·马拉奇。我们合作成立了一家推广公司叫FES...

  Conswello: Very catchy name.


  Eubanks: ..."Five Easy Speakers", yeah. I think we're the five best speakers out there. We bring a comedic point of view to speaking.


  Conswello: Now, is there another reinvention in the works for Bob Eubanks or is this gonna be it for a while?


  Eubanks: No. This is it! I am having more fun doing what I'm doing now. I was gonna teach, I was gonna, uhh, but I am having so much fun I want to do this for the rest of my life. You know, I just go out and I entertain people and I teach them about people, and they give you a cheque and you go home. And I said, "Wow, why didn't I think about this a long time ago folks?"


  Conswello: Well, I'm glad you did and I'm glad you thought about it now and we're delighted to have you here.


  Eubanks: Well,it's so nice to be here. Thank you very much.


  Conswello: Thanks very much, Bob Eubanks.


  Eubanks: Thanks Conswello.


  Conswello: Great to have you here.



