
There are two kinds of people who take two different views towards life:the optimistic and the pessimistic.Optimistic people look at life through rose-colored spectacles,and pessimistic people take a dim view.For those who take a positive view of life ,Life is great if you don't weaken. They think that Life is like the moon; now dark , now full and taht Life is subject to ups and downs. When they are put at adisadvantage, they keep a stiff upper lip instead of giving up hope , and when their sun is shining, they Strike while the iron is hot and do everything possible to add fullness to their lives. They know what is meant by "Make hay while the sun shines." These people never miss any opportunity to do things, whether it is a small thing or a great task . They never overlook small things, for they believe Life is made up of little things. These people also know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But ,people who take a pessimistic view of life think that Life is a game played with marked cards. They also think that life is an onion which one peels crying. To these people , there is more in life to be endured than to be enjoyed . If , say , they run into some difficulty or get a set-back, they would either curse their fate and abandon themselves to despair or complain about other people and plan to take revenge on them . These pelple, because of their negative attitude towards life, find that the sun is never shining on them. All in all, everything has two sides. We must know the fact that every dark cloud has a silver lining and that every bean has its black, therefore , we should neither forget ourselves when we are on the gravy train, nor give up hope when the sun is not shining on us.

  • fullness [´fulnis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.满;充实;彻底 四级词汇