
I Try to remenber


1、Everybody Does't Have to Love Me 并非人人都得喜欢我

Not everybody has to love me or even like me. I don't necessarily like everybody I kone ,so why should everybody else like me ? I enjoy being liked and being loved ,but if somebody does't like me , I will still be okay and still feel like Iam an okay person . I cannot make somebody like me , any more than someone can get me to like them. I don't need approval all the time . If someone does not approve of me ,I will still be okay .

2、It Is Okay to Make Mistake 人人都会犯错

Making mistakes is something we all do , and I am still a fine and worthwhile person when I make them .There is no reason for me to get upset when I make a mistake.I am trying ,and if I make a mistake , I am going to continue trying . I can handle making a mistake .It os okay for others to make mistakes ,too . I will accept mistakes in myself and also mistakes that others make .

3、Other P eople Are Okay And I Am Okay 人与人宽容共存

People who do things I don't like are not necessarily bad people . They should not necssarily be punished just because I don't like what they do or did . There is no reason why other people should be the way I want them to be , and there is no reason why I should be the way somebody else wants me to be . People will be whatever they want to be , and I will be whatever I want to be . I cannot control other people or change them. . They are who they are , we all deserve basic respect .

4、I Don't Have to Control Things 不用非要控制一切

I will survive if things are different than what I want them to be . I can accept things the way they are , accept people the way they are , and accept myself the I am . There is no reason to get upset if I can't change things to fit my idea of how they ought to be . There is no reason why I should have to like everything . Even if I don't like it , I can live with it .

5、I Am Responsible for My Day 为自己的生活负责

I am responsible for how I feel and what I do . Nobody can make me feel anything . If I have a rotten day ,I am the one who allowed it to be that way .If I have a great day , I am the one who deserves credit for being positive . It is not the pesponsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better . I am the one who is on change of my life .