
A famous scientist was on his way to yet another lecture when his chauffeur offered an idea."her ,boss ,I'v heard your speech so many time, l bet I could deliver it and give you the night off".

"sounds great". The scientist said.

When they got to the auditorium,the scientist put on the chauffeur's hat and settled in the back row. The chauffeur walked to the lectern and delivered the speech.. Afterward he asked if there were any questions.

"yes' said one professor. Then he launched into a highly technical questions.

The chauffeur was panic-stricken for a moment but quickly recovered."That's an easy one." He replied,"so easy," I'm going to let my chauffeur answer it."
  • chauffeur [´ʃəufə,ʃeu´fə:] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(汽车)司机 四级词汇