
□by Shelly Guidotti 忆玫 译 来源:copyright@2003英语沙龙版权所有

Two psychiatrists were at a convention. "What was your most difficult case?" one asked the other.


"Once I had a patient who lived in a pure fantasy world," replied his colleague. "He believed that a wildly rich uncle in South America was going to leave him a fortune. All day long he waited for a makebelieve letter to arrive from a fictitious attorney. He never went out or did anything. He just sat around and waited." "我曾有过一个病人,他生活在一个纯幻想的世界里,"他的同行回答。"他坚信南美有个大富翁叔叔要留给他一笔遗产。他整天等待着从一个虚构的律师那儿收到证实信。他从不出门,无所事事,只是坐着干等。"

"What was the result?"



"It was an eightyear struggle, but I finally cured him. And then that stupid letter arrived..."


