
The school inspector was sent out into the country to check on thhe standard of education in the bush school.


His first question to the class, "Who knocked down the Walls of Jericho?" was met with an embarrassing and fidgety silence.


"Can't you tell me?" he said, pointing to young Murphy.


"It wasn't me, honest sir," was the only response.


Disappointed at the low standard of the class, the inspector went to the headmaster. "I asked a young lad in your school who knocked down the Walls of Jericho and he said it wasn't him."


"The little scallywag," said the headmaster. "I'll bet it was him all the time."


Staggered at this response the inspector sought out the president of the Parents and Teachers' Association to report the sad state of affairs.


"Well," said the president," young Murphy comes from an honest family and you can take it from me that if he says he didn't knock them down, then he is bloody-well telling the truth."


Finally, in despair the inspector reported the matter to the Department of Education and a week later received the following reply:


"Dear Sir. With regard to your letter regarding the Walls of Jericho, we are obliged to inform you that this matter does not come within our jurisdiction. We suggest you contact the Board of Works."

