

Table-Be-Set, Gold-Donkey, and Cudgel-out-of-the-SackJacob and Wilhelm Grimm  There was once upon a time a tailor who had three sons, and only one goat. But as the goat supported all of them with her milk, she was obliged to have good food, and to be taken every day to pasture. The sons did this, in turn.  Once the eldest took her to the churchyard, where the finest herbs were to be found, and let her eat and run about there. At night when it was time to go home he asked, "Goat, have you had enough?"  The goat answered, I have eaten so much, Not a leaf more I'll touch; Meh, meh!  "Come home, then," said the youth, and took hold of the cord around her neck, led her into the stable, and tied her up securely.  "Well," said the old tailor, "has the goat had as much food as she ought?"  "Oh," answered the son, "she has eaten so much, not a leaf more she'll touch."  But the father wished to satisfy himself, and went down to the stable, stroked the dear animal, and asked, "Goat, are you satisfied?"  The goat answered, How should I be satisfied? Among the ditches I leapt about, Found no leaf, so went without; Meh, meh!  "What do I hear?" cried the tailor, and ran upstairs and said to the youth, "Hey, you liar, you said the goat had had enough, and have let her hunger." And in his anger he took the yardstick from the wall, and drove him out with blows.  Next day it was the turn of the second son, who sought a place next to the garden hedge where nothing but good herbs grew, and the goat gobbled them all up. At night when he wanted to go home, he asked, "Goat, are you satisfied?" I have eaten so much, Not a leaf more I'll touch; Meh, meh!  "Come home then," said the youth, and led her home, and tied her up in the stable.  "Well," said the old tailor, "has the goat had as much food as she ought?"  "Oh," answered the son, "she has eaten so much, not a leaf more she'll touch."  The tailor would not rely on this, but went down to the stable and said, "Goat, have you had enough?"  The goat answered, How should I be satisfied? Among the ditches I leapt about, Found no leaf, so went without; Meh, meh!  "The godless wretch!" cried the tailor, to let such a good animal hunger, and he ran up and drove the youth out of doors with the yardstick.  Now came the turn of the third son, who wanted to do his duty well, and sought out some bushes with the finest leaves, and let the goat devour them. In the evening when he wanted to go home, he asked, "Goat, have you had enough?"  The goat answered, I have eaten so much, Not a leaf more I'll touch; Meh, meh!  "Come home then," said the youth, and led her into the stable, and tied her up.  "Well," said the old tailor, "has the goat had her full share of food?"  "She has eaten so much, not a leaf more she'll touch."  The tailor was distrustful, went down, and asked, "Goat, have you had enough?"  The wicked beast answered, How should I be satisfied? Among the ditches I leapt about, Found no leaf, so went without; Meh, meh!  "Oh, the brood of liars!" cried the tailor, "Each as wicked and forgetful of his duty as the other. You shall no longer make a fool of me!" And quite beside himself with anger, he ran upstairs and tanned the poor young fellow's back so vigorously with the yardstick that he leaped out of the house.  The old tailor was now alone with his goat. Next morning he went down into the stable, stroked the goat and said, "Come, my dear little animal, I myself will take you to feed." He took her by the rope and led her to green hedges, and amongst yarrow and whatever else goats like to eat. "Here you may for once eat to your heart's content," he said to her, and let her browse till evening. Then he asked, "Goat, are you satisfied?"  She answered, I have eaten so much, Not a leaf more I'll touch; Meh, meh!  "Come home then," said the tailor, and led her into the stable, and tied her fast. When he was going away, he turned around again and said, "Well, are you satisfied for once?"  But the goat behaved no better for him, and cried, How should I be satisfied? Among the ditches I leapt about, Found no leaf, so went without; Meh, meh!  When the tailor heard that, he was shocked, and saw clearly that he had driven away his three sons without cause. "Wait, you ungrateful creature," he cried, "it is not enough to drive you away, I will brand you so that you will no more dare to show yourself amongst honest tailors." He quickly ran upstairs, fetched his razor, lathered the goat's head, and shaved her as clean as the palm of his hand. And as the yardstick would have been too honorable for her, he grabbed a whip, and gave her such blows with it that she bounded away with tremendous leaps.  When the tailor was thus left quite alone in his house he fell into great grief, and would gladly have had his sons back again, but no one knew where they were gone.  The eldest had apprenticed himself to a joiner, and learned industriously and tirelessly, and when the time came for him to be on his way, his master presented him with a little table which was not particularly beautiful, and was made of common wood, but which had one good property. If anyone set it out, and said, "table be set," the good little table was at once covered with a clean little cloth, and a plate was there, and a knife and fork beside it, and dishes with boiled meats and roasted meats, as many as there was room for, and a great glass of red wine shone, so that it made the heart glad.  The young journeyman thought, "With this you have enough for your whole life," and went joyously about the world and never troubled himself at all whether an inn was good or bad, or if anything was to be found in it or not. When it suited him, he did not enter an inn at all, but either on the plain, in a wood, a meadow, or wherever he fancied, he took his little table off his back, set it down before him, and said, "table be set," and then everything appeared that his heart desired.  At length he took it into his head to go back to his father, whose anger would now be appeased, and who would now willingly receive him with his magic table. It came to pass that on his way home, he came one evening to an inn which was filled with guests. They bade him welcome, and invited him to sit and eat with them, for otherwise he would have difficulty in getting anything.  "No," answered the joiner, "I will not take the few morsels out of your mouths. Rather than that, you shall be my guests."  They laughed, and thought he was jesting with them. He but placed his wooden table in the middle of the room, and said, "Table be set." Instantly it was covered with food, so good that the host could never have procured it, and the smell of it ascended pleasantly to the nostrils of the guests.  "Fall to, dear friends," said the joiner, and the guests when they saw that he meant it, did not need to be asked twice, but drew near, pulled out their knives and attacked it valiantly. And what surprised them the most was that when a dish became empty, a full one instantly took its place of its own accord.  The innkeeper stood in one corner and watched the affair. He did not at all know what to say, but thought, "You could easily find a use for such a cook as that in your household."  The joiner and his comrades made merry until late into the night. At length they lay down to sleep, and the young journeyman also went to bed, and set his magic table against the wall. The host's thoughts, however, let him have no rest. It occurred to him that there was a little old table in his backroom which looked just like the journeyman's and he brought it out, and carefully exchanged it for the wishing table. Next morning the joiner paid for his bed, took up his table, never thinking that he had got a false one, and went his way.  At midday he reached his father, who received him with great joy. "Well, my dear son, what have you learned?" he said to him.  "Father, I have become a joiner."  "A good trade," replied the old man.

很久以前有个裁缝,他有三个儿子。家里养了一头羊,全家人靠羊奶生活,所以必须把它喂好养好。三个儿子轮流去放羊。一天,大儿子把羊赶到了教堂的院子里,因为那里的草长得十分茂盛。羊一边吃草一边欢蹦乱跳,傍晚,该回家了,大儿子问羊:「你吃饱了吗?」羊儿回答:  「我已经吃了许多,一根都不想再碰。  咩......咩......」  「那我们回家吧。」男孩说着就拉起绳子,牵着羊回家,并把它拴进棚里。  老裁缝问:「羊吃饱了没有?」  「它吃得很饱,一根都吃不下了。」父亲想证实一下,於是来到羊圈,抚摸着心爱的牲口问:「羊啊,你吃饱了没有?」  「我哪里能吃得饱?  跳越小沟一道道,没见到一根草。  咩......咩......」  「太不像话了!」老裁缝喊着跑上楼质问儿子:「你这小子!你说羊吃饱了,可它明明饿着!」一气之下,他从墙上取下板尺,将儿子一阵痛打赶出了家门。  第二天轮到二儿子放羊。他在花园的篱笆旁找到一片肥嫩的鲜草,羊儿一点一点的全吃光了。傍晚,男孩想回家,就问羊:「你吃饱了吗?」羊儿回答:  「我已经吃了许多,一根都不想再碰。  咩......咩......」  「那我们回家吧。」男孩说着就拉起绳子,牵着羊回家,又拴好了。  老裁缝问:「羊吃饱了没有?」  「它吃得很饱,一根都吃不下了。」但父亲不信,於是来到羊圈,抚摸着心爱的牲口问:「羊啊,你吃饱了没有?」  「我哪里能吃得饱?  跳越小沟一道道,没见到一根草。  咩......咩......」  「这个坏蛋!难道想把这温驯的牲口饿死吗?」他叫着跑上楼,用板尺将年轻人赶了出去。  现在轮到第三个儿子去放羊了。他想把事情做好,於是找到一片水草茂盛的灌木丛,让羊在那里吃个够。晚上他想回家时问:「你吃饱了吗?」羊儿回答:  「我已经吃了许多,一根都不想再碰。  咩......咩......」  「那我们回家吧。」男孩说着拉起绳子,牵着羊回家,也拴好了。  老裁缝问:「羊喂饱了没有?」  「它吃得很饱,一根都吃不下了。」裁缝不信,於是来到羊圈,问:「羊啊,你吃饱了没有?」  「我哪里能吃得饱?  跳越小沟一道道,没见到一根草。  咩......咩......」  「唉呀,这个骗人精!一个比一个不负责任!别想再欺骗我!」他气得不得了,跑上楼用板尺狠狠地抽打孩子,使他不得不逃出了家门。  家里只剩下他和羊了。第二天一早,他来到羊圈,抚摸着羊说:「走吧,亲爱的小羊。我要亲自带你上牧场。」他牵着绳子,带着羊来到绿油油的草地。那里生长着氏草以及各种羊爱吃的草。「这下你可以吃个心满意足了。」他对羊说。他让羊吃到夜幕降临时分,然后问:「羊啊,你吃饱了吗?」羊回答说:  「我已经吃了许多,一根都不想再碰。  咩......咩......」  「那我们回家吧。」老裁缝说着拉起绳子,牵着羊回家,并拴好了。  临走,老裁缝回头说:「这下你总算吃饱了!」但是羊并没给他满意的回答,说:  「我哪里能吃得饱?  跳越小沟一道道,没见到一根草。  咩......咩......」  裁缝听了大吃一惊,他立刻认识到自己错怪了三个儿子,便喊道:「等着瞧,你这没良心的傢伙!赶走你也太便宜你了,我要在你身上做个记号,让你没脸见诚实的裁缝!」  他匆匆上楼,拿来一把剃鬚刀,在羊头上抹上肥皂,将羊头剃得像手掌心一样光。裁缝认为用板尺打它还太便宜了它,於是取出鞭子,狠狠地抽打起羊来,羊发疯似地逃走了。  裁缝孤身一人在家,心里十分难过。想让儿子们回来,又不知他们的去向。大儿子到了一个木匠那里当学徒,他非常努力、刻苦,期满之后,师傅在他临行前送给他一张小餐桌。桌子是用普通木料做成的,外表也不漂亮,看不出有甚么特别。但是只要把小桌放在那儿,对它说:「小餐桌,快撑开」,听话的小餐桌就会马上铺好洁白的桌布,摆好刀叉,一盘盘煮的、烤的美味佳餚便摆满小桌,还有一大杯美酒使人心花怒放。年轻人想:「够我一辈子享用的了。」於是心情愉快地周游起世界来,根本不用考虑旅馆是不是好,有没有饭菜供应。有时他乾脆不住客栈,在田野、森林或草原上随便一个让他高兴的地方呆下来,从背上取下小桌摆在面前,说一声:「小餐桌,快撑开。」爱吃甚么就有甚么。他就这么过了一段日子。后来他想该回到父亲身边去了,父亲也早该消气了,再说他带着这张会自动摆酒菜的餐桌回家,父亲一定会高兴地接待他的。归途中的一个晚上,他走进一家旅店,那里刚巧住满了,但人们欢迎他,请他一道吃饭,说否则就没吃的了。  木匠回答说:「不用了,我不愿意从你们嘴里抢东西吃,宁可请你们跟我一块儿吃。」旅客们哈哈大笑,说他真会开玩笑。他将小餐桌摆到房间中央,说:「小餐桌,快撑开!」顿时,一桌丰盛的酒菜出现了,店主可没法做到这样。木匠说:「朋友们,动手啊!」客人们一看他是真心诚意的,便不再客气,挪近餐桌,拿起刀叉大吃起来。最让他们惊奇的是每当一碗吃完时,立刻就会有一只盛得满满的碗自动替换空碗。店主站在一个角落里看呆了,简直不知道说甚么好。他想:「假如我的店里也有这么个宝贝就好了。」木匠和那些朋友们高兴地吃喝着,直到深夜。后来大家都去睡觉了,年轻人把小魔桌靠在墙上,也睡了。店主却无法入睡,他想起储藏室里有张小桌样子很像那张魔桌,於是拿出来,小心翼翼地将魔桌换走了。  第二天早上,木匠付了房钱,背上小餐桌继续赶路,他压根儿没想到这张小桌已是假的了。  中午时分,他回到父亲身边。父亲见了他也格外高兴,问:「亲爱的儿子,你都学了点甚么?」「我学会了做木工。」「这可是门有用的手艺.
  • churchyard [´tʃə:tʃjɑ:d] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.教堂院子 四级词汇
  • upstairs [,ʌp´steəz] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.在楼上 a.楼上的 四级词汇
  • vigorously [´vigərəsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.精力旺盛地;健壮地 四级词汇
  • browse [brauz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vi.浏览 n.放牧 六级词汇
  • joyously [´dʒɔiəsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.快乐地,高兴地 六级词汇
  • willingly [´wiliŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.情愿地,乐意地 四级词汇
  • knives [naivz] 移动到这儿单词发声 knife的复数 四级词汇
  • valiantly [´væljəntli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.勇敢地,英勇地 六级词汇
  • midday [´middei] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.中午 四级词汇
