
x 自从Joey和Rachel上次"约会"之后,Joey就对Rachel产生了一种超乎友情之外的感觉,这天晚上他来找Chandler想和他谈谈这事:

Joey: Hey, Chandler, you got a minute? I-I really need to talk to you.

  Chandler: Oh! Uh, yeah! Is this a cold pizza talk or a leftover meatloaf talk?

  Joey: Well, neither.

  Chandler: Oh my God, what's up?

  Joey: I don't know. It's-it's just...lately, I've been feeling... Okay, here's what it is...You know what? I feel a lot better, thanks!

  Chandler: Oh no-no, no you don't, just come back.

  Joey: All right. Okay. You and Monica, friends for a long time, and sure there are rules, but then you went to London. Oh, no, but that's different. I mean, there are rules there, too! You know what I mean?

  Chandler: Do you?

  Joey: It was different for you guys! I mean, I mean, you were both in the same place, right?

  Chandler: In London?

  Joey: Yeah.

  Chandler: Yes. When Monica and I were in London, we were both in London.

  Joey: You know what? This is a bad idea. Forget it. Forget it, and listen, do me a favor, this conversation was between you and me.


  通常如果Joey晚上来找Chandler的话肯定没别的事情,就是和吃有关,所以Chandler一听Joey要找他谈谈就问这次的谈话究竟关于"冷比萨"还是"剩下的肉馅饼"(Is this a cold pizza talk or a leftover meatloaf talk?),leftover作为形容词只能放在名词之前使用,表示"吃剩下的、用剩下的",如:a few pieces of leftover carpet。不过leftover也可直接用作名词,表示"吃剩下的食物",通常以复数形式出现,如:Give the leftovers to the dog.

  Joey的回答(Well, neither.)让Chandler紧张起来,他惊叫道:Oh my God, what's up? 要知道很少有什么事情能让Joey不谈吃的。Joey尝试着想要告诉Chandler他对于Rachel的感觉(I don't know. It's-it's just...lately, I've been feeling... Okay, here's what it is...You know what? I feel a lot better, thanks!),好不容易开了个头,Joey又忽然改变了主意,不想再谈了。在Chandler的请求之下,Joey又尝试着想要从Chanlder那里寻求一些肯定,因为Chandler和Monica当初就是好朋友,直到后来他们去过伦敦之后,他们的关系才发生了变化而成为恋人的。来看看Joey说了些什么:You and Monica, friends for a long time, and sure there are rules, but then you went to London. Oh, no, but that's different. I mean, there are rules there, too! You know what I mean? 显然Joey知道自已说出来的话很乱,他想知道Chandler是否能明白他的意思,Chandler反问Joey说:Do you? (你自己明白吗?)

  Joey接着解释说:It was different for you guys! I mean, I mean, you were both in the same place, right? Joey所说的in the same place是指当时Chandler和Monica在伦敦里时彼此都对对方"另眼相看"了,可一头雾水的Chandler却不太明白这in the same place究竟是指的是"哪里",于是玩起了文字游戏说:When Monica and I were in London, we were both in London.(当Monica和我在伦敦时,我们当然是在同一个地方)。这句话让Joey彻底没了心情,他说:You know what? This is a bad idea. Forget it. Forget it, and listen, do me a favor, this conversation was between you and me. 当我们想和别人交换一些比较私密的想法时除了对别人说don't tell anybody else 之外,还可以用一个更简单的表达法,那就是between you and me, 如:Between you and me, I think she has a problem with her boyfriend.



  between you and me

