
 General: Freedom!

  John: Not yet! You're supposed to stay in your seat until the plane reaches the terminal. No frequent-flier mileage for you.

  General: Who are you?

  John: A cop.

  General: A cop?

  John: Yeah, one of the good guys. You see you're one of the bad guys. Now I've got your sorry ass, I'm gonna trade it with my wife.

  John: Sit down!

  Soldiers: Go in!

  Soldier1: Where did he go?

  General: In there.

  General: I don't believe this. Two months of planning, and you can't anticipate one pendejo of a cop.

  Soldier1: Come on, General.

  General: Where the hell is Colonel Stuart?

  Soldier2: General!

  General: I'm all right! He said he was a policeman. I thought you had this place secured.

  Soldier1: He went in the cockpit (驾驶员座舱).

  Colonel Stuart: He's going to hell! McClane! I assume it's you, McClane! You're quite a little soldier. You can consider this a military funeral!

  Colonel Stuart: How many grenades (手榴弹) we got?
  Soldier1: Three each!

  Colonel Stuart: Use them!

  John: Oh, fuck!

  Colonel Stuart: Go!

  John: Aaagh! Oh, shit!

  Colonel: You lucky fuck!

  Soldier1: Fire trucks, sir!

  Colonel Stuart: Fall back to the church. Now!
