
  A Lebanese bank is offering loans to finance plastic surgery to meet growing demand from people seeking to improve their looks.


  First National Bank's "Plastic Surgery Loan" can provide between $1,000 (500 pounds) and $5,000 to cover "all your plastic surgery operations and orthodontics", according to the bank's Web site. "Today you can have the life you've always wanted," it says.


  "Statistical studies showed that there is a huge increase in this sphere -- in beautification surgery", George Nasr, the bank's marketing manager, told Reuters. "This opens horizons."


  Clients included people disfigured by accidents and war and others simply looking to improve the way they look, he said. The bank has received more than 200 phone calls a day about the loan since the launch of an advertising campaign last week.


  Nasr described looking good as part of Lebanese culture. "We like to look our best ... There are people who see this loan as their life raft," he said.

  从上周开始推出这一贷款的广告后,该银行每天都会接到超过200个咨询电话。 在纳赛尔看来,拥有更加漂亮的外貌已经成为了黎巴嫩文化的一个组成部分。他说:"我们总是希望能够以最佳的形象出现在公众面前,有些人已经把这种贷款看成了改变他们命运的最后机会。"

  (国际在线独家资讯 张咏 未经允许请勿转载)

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