
Some people expend far more energy getting out of work than they would spend doing the job well. They may think they are fooling the boss, but they are only fooling themselves. An employer may not know all the details of every job or every task an individual performs, but a good manager knows the results of effort. You can be sure that when promotions or plum assignments become available, they won?t be offered to loafers. If you do your job cheerfully and well, not only are you more likely to be recognized and rewarded, but you also learn how to do your job better. As you become more proficient, you become more valuable to your employer. You also acquire the most valuable of all assets-the confidence that comes from knowing you possess skills that will increase your value to any organization.
  • expend [ik´spend] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.花费,耗费(金钱等) 四级词汇