
A modern city has many conveniences such as electricity, gas , schools, hospitals, cinemas, ect . These conveniences make the city people's life comfortable and easy. But in big cities ,there are crimes, air pollution, and crowdedness ,which often bother residents.

The countryside has its own attractions, such as clean air ,water, and quiet environment. In addition to these, one can enjoy a peaceful life and beautiful natural scenery. There is no noise ,no crowdedness and no crime .But some modern facilities are not available . For example, it may not be very convenient for a person to go to a middle school.

I prefer to live in a city because I was born and grew up there. The problems a city has can be solved by modern science and technology.
  • countryside [´kʌntrisaid] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.乡下,农村 四级词汇