class="tabletext">Mind work: English riddles大脑急转弯/英语谜语(二)
1. The letter "t".
class="tabletext">2. Saturday and Sunday (all the other days are weak days)
class="tabletext">3. Because he wanted to rock and roll
class="tabletext">4. Because it comes at he end of December.
class="tabletext">5. Just before Eve. (Eve 一语双关,"晚间""夏娃")
class="tabletext">6. To see time fly.
class="tabletext">7. A quarter to one (12:45; 一人分一个)
class="tabletext">8. Your fingernail.
class="tabletext">9. A boxing ring.(拳击场地)
class="tabletext">10. Because it's light when it rises. (light"亮的""轻的";rise"升起""发虚")
class="tabletext">11. Vegetable
class="tabletext">12. Silence
class="tabletext">13. Mirror
class="tabletext">14. Nothing
class="tabletext">15. The letter "T"
class="tabletext">16. Are you asleep?
class="tabletext">17. Courtship
class="tabletext">18. a
donkeyclass="tabletext">19. In the dictionary
class="tabletext">20. Fold it
class="tabletext">21. In the dictionary
class="tabletext">22. the
bridge of nose
class="tabletext">23. letter B
class="tabletext">24. letter P
class="tabletext">25. Because it is killed before it is cured(烘烤等处理)
class="tabletext">26. Football match, basketball match, etc
class="tabletext">27. When they make 22
class="tabletext">28. A map
class="tabletext">29. A comb
30. When he is an impatient patient.