
(no news is good news.)

(one picture is worth a thousand words.)

(nothing ventured, nothing gained.)

(life is full of ups and downs.)

(it's no use crying over spilt milk.what's done cannot be undone.)

(the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.)

(hunger is the best sauce.)

(better late than never.)

(god helps those who help themselves.)

(love me, love my dog.)

(don't count your chickens before they hatch.)












(he bites off more than he can chew.)

(everyone has a skeleton in his closet.)

(to teach a fish how to swim.)

(rome wasn't built in a day.)

(like father, like son.)

(well begun, half done.)

(every cloud has a silver lining.) (look before you leap.)

(birds of a feather flock together.)

(a little knowledge is dangerous.)

(clothes make the man.)

(a good medicine tastes bitter.)













(history repeats itself. )

(strike while the iron is hot.)

(as poor as a church mouse.)

(where there's smoke, there's fire.)

(where there is a will, there is a way.

a journey of a thousand miles begins wit a single step.)

(a rolling stone gathers no moss.)

(many hands make light work.)

(time heals all wounds.)

(one is as old as one's heart.)

(no sweet without sweat.)











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