
Let the Christ Spirit Shine!


(Originally in English)

Jesus was born at Christmas so that you give each other something each year at Christmas. You can do it any day, or make an excuse even. Or your birthday, instead of asking people to buy presents for you, buy presents for the poor people that you know. At Christmas, instead of waiting to get presents, buy presents for people that you know, on the street even, or people you don't know, also. If you go out and seek out the homeless, give them presents. That's the best Christmas.


That's why people buy gifts for Christmas to celebrate the love that Christ has imparted to us, to celebrate the unconditional way He sacrificed for mankind. So we can do that on any occasion to remind ourselves of the loving-kindness within us.


Hug your colleague! Tell her she is good, she is okay, because she sometimes has an inferiority complex; has a problem of her own. Forgive the one who always hates you and picks on you - buy her a present, compliment her on her dress, make her feel happy as a human being. They can hate you, they can make trouble for you, but you have to always be kind and loving. Their way is hatred and revenge; your way is kindness and love. We have to choose our own way despite the situation.
