第六天 The Amazon
The world's rainforest cover less than ten percent of the earth's surface, but contain over forty percent of all plant and animal
species. The biggest rainforest is in South America. It's called the Amazon. The Amazon is by far the largest remaining rainforest area left on our planet. It's about six to seven million square kilometers. It's about two-thirds the size of the United States including Alaska. It's enormous. Sixty percent of it is in Brazil, but the rainforest also extends into Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana and Surinam. And
amazingly each year the Amazon provides twenty percent of the world's fresh water. Here you can find at least sixty to seventy thousand plant
species and at least three thousand
species of fresh water fish. And more monkeys than you can find anywhere else on earth. In Brazil alone, nine new
species of monkeys have been identified over the last year. But many of those
species, known and unknown, are destroyed every day. Constant logging,
mining and cattle ranching are stripping the jungles clean. "We've already lost well over fifty percent of the rainforest that existed at the turn of the last century. And if current trends continue we stand to lose a very large percentage of the life forms that share the planet with us." Scientists like Dr.Mittermeier and Conservation International are
trying to make a difference.