(2008-08-12 10:06:03)
当我们遇到困难或者处于人生低谷的时候,我们的家人和朋友会说 Don't look back. You are never completely alone.不要回头看,大家一起向前冲!而今天,我们着重要讲的短语却是watch your back,乍听意思是要你回头看,"看你的后背"。
后背有什么好瞧的?其实,watch your back的意思是:to be careful of the people around you, making certain that they do nothing to harm you。这是一个比喻,意思就是要当心有人或者是什么事情可能会对你不利。简言之,就是"小心行事!"的意思。这句话在好莱坞电影中经常出现。有时候根据语境不同会有各种隐含意思,比如,你要小心,我要收拾你,或者,你快完蛋了!但基本意思就是提醒对方谨慎的意思。
Watch your back 怎么用呢?让们来看看下面这段对话:
A: I think you should make sure that you've kept notes from that meeting with Alan.
B: Yeah, you're probably right.
A: I mean someone might say you said something you didn't--you need to watch your back.
I have to watch my back at work--there are a lot of people who would like my job.
下一次,如果你想提醒某些人,你就可以tell them to watch their back。
有时候,watch your back 还有一个更简单直接的含义,it could simply mean be careful of your back as in our body part。当心你的腰,别让腰受伤。这个意思就跟实实在在的人的身体有关了,所以应该更加便于掌握。
We should all watch our back. Back pain is one of the biggest health problems people experience in life.
最后总结一下watch your back 的两个含义:1 警告别人要当心有人背后捣鬼;2 注意腰部的保养。